Owned by Pugs

Friday, April 6, 2012

No Pressure


Geez, Hank. I haven't even sat down to eat yet, and you are already giving me those pleading eyes. Can I at least have a few bites of my salad before you make me feel guilty?

Have a great weekend!

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Minnie and Mack


Ohhhh, the guilty, I haven’t eaten in weeks look.  Why are pugs so good at this?

Drools and licks,
Minnie and MaCK



they sure do have a way of making you feel guilty
Henry I am sure mom will share with you
thursday my white boxer Baxter had to have surgery to cut back his gums so he is not feeling very well today
Hope everyone has a great weekend and Happy Easter



Oh, i’m laughing out loud at this one!  We ALL know this look sooooo well.

Happy Weekend to you!

mary castagnoli


That is one fine looking salad, Corrine.  Can I have a bite too??!
Pugs can concentrate sooo much expression in their eyes - sort of become laser beams.  Hard to ignore, which is their total intent.  But can you imagine the din if they were able to talk?!!
“Just a bite, pleasepleaseplease.  I’m hungry too and I would so love to have lunch with you.  Just every-other bite would be lovely! And OH!  Do we have some bacon bits for sprinkles as well?? Oh - num-num-nummies.  My tummy is growling; can’t you hear it?  And some toast with our salad, don’t you think? . . . .”



Mom, it’s just sitting there begging to be eaten…so?

sue, hope your Baxter gets to feeling better soon. That does sound painful.  Extra smooches to him.

Happy Easter, and please watch those chocolate Easter bunnies around your sweeties.

mary castagnoli


sue ~~Just wanted to send out a “Feel Better Soon” to BAXTER.  My friend’s boxer just had a cyst-like tumor removed from inside his mouth - by the gums.  I know how miserable we 2-leggers are when our mouths are sore - so my heart goes out to both of you Boxer-fellas!!



Henry is waititng for the crumbs to fall, no matter how big or small.
Sue: Several years ago when my Pug, Quincy, was still with us, we chose to have surgery on his throat and also to have his nostrils enlarged. He was 8 yrs. at the time and struggling with his breathing. He was in intensive care for several days. He sprung back to better than before and it added years to his life!
Best wishes to your sweet Baxter. You did a nice thing for him.



That salad does look delish! Yummy. I’m with Henry & Mary. They are so good and giving you those big begging eyes. Like the cat in Shrek. Perfect.

Prayers for Baxter. I hope he recovers quickly.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Happy Easter.

Pug Hugs from Bella & me.



Heck, my begging eyes look just like Hank’s!  That’s a great looking salad!!



By the way, I’ve always thought your glass coffee table is an exceptionally great table from the pug’s perspective.  Total visibility for them to focus their pug-gaze upon whatever might be on the table!

mary castagnoli


Martha:  Never thought of that - but you are sooo right!  It’s like their own private Food Network Channel!!!



oh that look lol very well known one lol.HAPPY EASTER TO YOU!

sue states


first thing that came to mind was the song “Hungry Eyes” hope you got a nibble-like I’m sure you did. Hope Baxter feels better soon and hope all have a great Easter week-end! Pug hugs from the Colorado 4

Hellen Norton


MOM!!!! Please!!! I have not eaten for the last hour or so!!!!
At least that is what his eyes say!

Urban Hounds


Tee hee you do look starved

urban hounds



Oh I know this look oh so well too!!!
They can make you feel guilty when your eating even if they just ate.
Bless all Pugs because they have a way of wrapping us all our their paw smile
Also i agree this is a good looking salad!! wink

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