Owned by Pugs

Monday, September 3, 2012

No Labor Day

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

In honor of Labor Day, Benjamin, Henry & Luna decided to take a day off from their usual toils to relax. It's really tough for them to take a day off and I am sure they are going to have a lot of work on Tuesday to catch up on after the long weekend.

I hope you are taking a page out of the pugs' book and having a relaxing day.

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Oh well.. they will just have to walk around TWICE AS MUCH!!! Poor puggies.. On the bright side, I guess they get to catch up on their food…
Puggy Love, Muffles + Lala



aww this is just so sweeet all my love to those precious babes.



such a nice relaxing picture



Love the photo and the Pugs are so adorable. By the look on her sweet little face Luna looks as though she is thinking about what to have for breakfast this morning. “Get up Benny and Henry, it’s time to eat.”

Happy Memorial Day.



Oh they look so comfy. I love Benny is covered up and his ear is flipped up. I would love to climb in and snuggle with them. *sigh*

Have a relaxing labor day everyone.

Pug Hugs to all from Bella, Susie Dog & me

Mary M.


Love this pic - Happy Labor Day, all!

Huckle & the Swamp Pugs, Abby, Gracie & Ge


What a hoot!  This is going up on my computer room wall as a reminder to “chill”  - (as if I ever work too hard, LOL).  Benny just exudes comfort.

Pat, don’t you have something similar to Labor Day?



Chillaxin at it’s best!  no work for these 3 today!!Yes Huckle, we observe Labor Day here in Canada as well!!  Nice to have a day off!! 
Enjoy the day, hope it is awesome for eveyone!



I goofed———-Happy Labor Day.

Sue VDB and Annie


This looks like a perfect day to me.  I’m very much in the mood for chillin.

Minnie came home Saturday and did well until lasr night when she went slippin and slidin.  Early this morning she looked as if she had no clue where she was.  I put a call in to Dr. Rowe and he said he would call me when he got to the clinic.  By then she was back to normal, and again later was having some trouble staying up, but was not in the least bit confused.  Dr. Rowe wants me to keep her quiet and if she gets any worse he will go to the clinic, pick her up and take her home with him.  Hopefully the Addison test results come back quickly.

Hellen Norton


On My….the three of you are doing just what Dakota is doing….sleeping in. Love you guys!

My three guest went home last night! When they saw their Mom the almost took the gate off. The gate was up to keep Them from miss treating Gwen AND not getting to the sleepers upstairs who work for a living!

mary castagnoli


Perfect Labor Day poster.

Huckle + Swamp Pugs, Abby, Gracie + Georgie


Sue VDB, I keep thinking of you and Minnie.  Has he given any other possibilities than Addisons?  It sounds like your Dr. Rowe is a peach.  How about massage?  Could that help her?  We think modern medicine is so good, and it can be, but it’s not infallible. Do you think the acupuncture helped at all?  Prayers and pug hugs.

sue states


Well, Henry, Benny & Luna certainly know how to celebrate-I need to practice their technique! Sue VDB keeping you & sweet minnie in my daily prayers. sending pug huugs to all from pastor sue & the colorado 2

Sue VDB and Annie


Huckle, Dr. Rowe said if it isn’t Addison’s, frankly he doesn’t know.  I am begining to wonder if Minnie needs another acupuncture, and yes it has helped a lot.

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