Owned by Pugs

Friday, November 14, 2008

No Dessert for Luna

Luna's spinach

The bowl you see is Luna’s and that blobber you see in there is her spinach.  At my vet’s recommendation, each week, I add a different veggie to the dog’s homemade food.  The main purpose of the veggie is to help keep the pugs full and the variety of veggies is to help them get different vitamins and such.  This week’s veggie is spinach and while none of the veggies are Luna’s favorite, she won’t even eat her spinach.  She is also good at eating around her spinach, because I put her spinach on the top of all her other food.  She some how works it to the side and leaves it at the bottom of the bowl every time.

Henry, who is a veggie lover, loves spinach week because he gets a double serving.  He gets his and Luna’s.

Henry eating Luna's spinach

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That’s too funny.  I use to put a vitamin in Lucy’s food.  She would always take it out and not eat it.  So I started crushing it and putting it on top and she still managed to eat around it.  She’d leave the couple pieces of kibble that most of the vitamin was on.  Of course, Tuffy always ate the leftovers!



Wow, Luna!

Didn’t you hear Popeye The sailor man?
Spinach can make you strong!

Good for Henry, Eating a double serving of that wonderful vegetable!



That is just too hilarious!  I hope she starts to enjoy veggies!  They are good for you!
Happy weekend to all!



I love that each and every one of our pugs has their own personality complete with idiosyncracies, likes, and dislikes.  It’s just awesome.  People always ask me, “How do you tell them apart?” and it’s a funny question for me because, to me, they are two different beings, different in most every way.  I can even tell who’s who in the dark. 

Luna, you need to eat your spinach precious girl…those are good vitamins for your little self!!!

Happy weekend to all of OBP land…Pug kisses to all!



A good laugh to start the day.  Luna is a clever little stinker and Henry looks so happy he got to eat more spinach, as if he’s saying “Mom, you don’t have to worry, I cleaned the bowl for you”.  Romeo would have totally cleaned that bowl; there wouldn’t be any pieces left at all.



I love how Henry has a little piece of spinach in the corner of his mouth…“Mom, where’s my napkin?”...



OBP, I know I would push the spinach aside too.  I know it’s good for me, but ick!  Luna and I are on the same page on this one.  And thank you Henry for eating the evidence!

Darci and Abbey the Pug


I’m with you Luna!  Stay strong and keep pushing the spinach to the side!  However, to make up for it, concede a little, and eat extra veggies the rest of the week.



haha too funny! My mom’s dog spits out carrots and he gobbles his food right down. But any carrots end up on the floor!

Indy doesn’t like dried cranberries - my pug who will eat anything including cat and racoon poo - refuses to eat dried cranberries. Sigh… And they are good for her too! smile



I know exactly what you mean…I’ll put some chicken or some banana on the bottom of their food dish and then put the crunchies on top of it and they will nose the crunchies out of the way to eat the other “good” stuff first. It’s amazing how precise they can pick through their food with their muzzle.



Miss Luna! you have to eat your veggies!!!
That is too cute - the picture is awesome!
Henry - “no worries ma - I cleaned most of it up for ya, hey pass me a pant leg I need to clean my mouth!”

Happy Pug weekend to all!




That’s ok Luna, I don’t like cooked spinach, either (but it’s yummy raw in a salad). You need to ask Henry to eat your spinach first, so that it looks like YOU ate your spinach…that way you won’t miss out on that tasty pugkin bread dessert!!



“Don’t it make my brown eyes blue”?

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