Owned by Pugs

Friday, September 1, 2006

Nicknames - The Girls


Well, I would feel like the blog would be incomplete if I didn’t also include a piece about Luna and the cat, Cupid.  I know that we have only had Luna a short while, but she is not exempt from the nicknaming that goes on in the house.  She started out as Lunatic, mostly because that is what everyone called us for wanting to get a 3rd pug.  Then she went to Looney Toons, Tiny Toons and just plain Toons.  Sometimes she is even Tuna.  She thinks she is the Big Kahuna, though.  She is a feisty little spitfire!


Cupid, the cat and honorary pug, is named such because we got her from the pound on Valentine’s Day.  She is also affectionately called Cupie (like the Cupie doll).  This is also abbreviated to QP.  She has given herself the nickname Princess QP.  She is the Princess around here, though Luna debates that title and tries to claim it for herself.  So, we just tell Luna that she is the queen and the cat is her underling. (I hope the cat isn’t reading this!)  This seems to keep them both happy as they both get to wear pink and prance around the house like they are the boss. 

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Lucy's Mama


It’s, it’s, it’s PUGDORABLE!!!!!

Booger Boo


Wow, a cat for a friend?  I do believe I am a bit jealous.  My parents call me Boo and Boopsy.  I think CP is adorable though.



We also have a pug named Luna, oddly enough, so we feel a certain kinship with your little puggie too.  We don’t have any nicknames for her based on “Luna” (except for the occasional, unimaginative “Lunatic”).  Our Luna’s nicknames have been “crunchy”, “grunty”, “ticky toes”, “ticky”, and “the creature”.  Odd I know, but that’s our little pug.



it it it it is so CCCCCCCCCCUTE!!!♥♥♥

nick miller


what is a good nicknamefor teenagers girls



they all look so cutedorable!!!!!



I need a nikename for the name halie but i cant think of one please help me



lili .! :DD

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