Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Tree

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

We wanted to plant a tree in the yard to hopefully create some shade. Grammy, let us transplant a little crepe myrtle tree from her yard. It might be a little while before the tree gives us some shade to lounge in, but we really enjoy watching things grow over time.

The pugs were very happy to have the new tree. They know the importance of giving a newly planted tree lots of water, so they made sure to get to work right away.

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

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Sue VDB and Annie


So funny.  It always makes me laugh how quickly boy dogs feel the necessity to take care of watering.



I sure wish Northern Ohio had Mimosa trees.  It was so impressive to see how that one grew and how quickly you had a good sized tree with flowers no less.  They certainly are beautiful trees.

Sue VDB.  Gracie seems to have her wires crossed.  She pees like a boys leg held to the sky, and pees ON things, including Abby.  Anybody have a tree, or pug, that needs watering?



LOL! My Liberty hikes her leg when she pees, too!



I’m quite certain with the gang’s attention and care, the new tree will grow big and strong in no time!!

Sue VDB and Annie


I revise my statement to include both boya and girls, lol.



Love all the pictures. I love how the take care of things. How sweet!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


What is it with pugs and peeing the wrong way for their sex??? Pen squats like a girl!



thanks for my mourning laugh and smile Corrine its funny first thing I thought of was the pugs would help water I have four boy pugs and my two boxers are boys they water everything in the yard always trying to help my poor girls they even try to water them



just too funny they just can’t wait to pee on something new yes darla pees the same way as luna too funny.

Hellen Norton


Humm..Looks like a great idea to me! Hey guys where can I find a tree not in the front yard?

Your Mommy is really nice to share her trees with you!

When I escapeted twice in one day Grams had them put great big Cement blocks around the fence so nows the only tree is in the yard next door AND I IS FENCED IN!

crazy pug lady


What was Henry too camera shy to be caught cocking his leg, too?  wink

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