Owned by Pugs

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Pet Storage

The new entertainment center

Well, it has been 2 weeks now since Grampy gave us his “hand me down” television. It is a doozie of TV. It is so big actually that we had to buy a whole new entertainment center for it.  A few weekends ago we went furniture shopping to find something to go in the living room. We hunted all over when we finally landed at IKEA.  At IKEA we settled for the “million piece, you assemble at home if you can follow the pictures” model.  Between moving the old entertainment center and filling the new one, it took a full 2 weeks to get the living room back in order.

Cupid in the drawer

Cupid on the bookcase

One of the reason we liked this entertainment center so much was that it had a lot of storage.  You can see that the cat thought that it was a new bed and play house built just for her. She is always anxious to lend a helping paw.

Now that it all assembled you can see what those drawers are actually used for.

Harnesses & Collars


Nails & Meds
The treats actually are kept in the kitchen.

Yes, almost the whole entertainment center is used for doggy accoutrement. There is a drawer for collars & harnesses, another for leashes and 2 for costumes. Yet another drawer is dedicated to ear cleaner, eye drops, a nail grinder and teeth cleaning products. Goodness gracious, I think the pugs have officially taken over! You would think that Paris Hilton herself lived here and needed the extra “closet space”. On the bright side, everything is now in one central location instead of scattered all over the house in crevices of storage here & there.

You may also notice that we stuck to the pug colored décor. This is always beneficial to limit the showing of dog hair!

As far as the pugs’ opinions, well, they don’t even seem to notice. Benny is a little overwhelmed watching TV with us more so than before. He gets particularly anxious and barky when we watch Greatest American Dog and It’s Me or the Dog. Those now life size pups are a real “threat” to his home.  He also isn’t too fond of the Nasonex Bee or the Geico caveman.  Those commercials always get a few puffs from him.

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Those puggies sure do occupy a lot of storage space.  As I told you yesterday your entertainment center is gorgeous, and since pugs are so entertaining, it certainly is a good place to store their things.  Benny is taking full advtange of the big screen, but will probably settle down after he gets used to it - or maybe not.



awesome pug closet!!  With an awesome TV!!



Baxton doesn’t like the Nasonex Bee either. Sometimes he so focused on the TV! He starts doing this whine/cry and sometimes goes barking up to the TV. Quite funny, actually. He does the same thing when any animal comes on the TV. He definitly can tell the difference between a human and animal.



OMGosh!  A Carla with a K. lol I have a cousin who spells her name with a K and when they would visit, our moms would have to yell out the door, Carla with a “C”! or Karla with a “K”! So we’d know who was getting called in. lol

I also love the EC and think Valentine is certainly a nice addition. grin  I can understand why she thinks it’s for her. lol

By the way, I noticed the power cord in the drawer.  You mean you have to plug your pugs in? Ours run off of batteries. wink



Cupid is cracking me up!  Did she get up there on her own, or was there some human help? 
Sleighbelle also goes a little crazy when the animal planet channel is on.  Every animal, large or small is a “kitty” and she wants to get ‘em!



I have a question….how do your pugs like the nail grinder?  Molly absolutely hates having her nails cut and we are considering getting one of the grinders but am a bit afraid of her reaction.



Puffs, that’s cute. That’s exactly what mine does when there’s something strange on TV. Any random thing can set her off…like a workout video on pause. Who knows…



Brandy gets all excited when “It’s Me or the Dog” is on. She barks at the TV and runs around the end table with her shackles standing up.

Carla and Karla we have that problem with our son Karl, everyone wants to spell it with a C, so when we tell people his name we say “Karl with a K”.



It’s a gorgeous Entertainment center!



The new unit is beautiful!  I’m not huge into tv, but like when it fits in!  Good storage for all that puggie stuff too!!!!



Now all the pugs need is their own personal maid to keep up with everything…..
oh wait, they already do.  They have Mom!  hehehe

Karen B


Love the entertainment center, love the “Cupid” drawers, love the purpose, LOVE THIS BLOG! 

I used to have a cat that loved to hide out in drawers.  One of her quirky, adorable idiosyn"crazies”!  I miss that little girl!



Cupid, I apologize to you.  Where did I get “Valentine”???  Geez :-(



Yesterday I called Cupid “Valentine”, and maybe that’s where it came from.  Cupid, I am sorry and I apologize to anyone who followed up with that name.

Karen B


Carla, it’s all about love!  Ya know, Valentine, Cupid, hearts, flowers, etc.  Hey, we all have our moments!  LOL!

Corrine - OBP


LOL!  It doesn’t matter what you call her, just as long as you can open a can grin

Cindy, the pugs don’t mind the nail grinder too much.  They most definitely prefer the grinder over the nail clippers.



That is gorgeous entertainment centre and may I ask, since it is from Ikea.. how many times did you have to tell your husband to leave the room before he threw something? lol

We have a curio type cabinet in the kitchen and the 2 drawers are all pug stuff. smile



AHHH! I’m reading away and going what a great entertainment center - then I scroll down and see IT REALLY IS A PUG STORAGE UNIT!!! LOL!
One question: where are you going to put the microwave to heat up the pumpkin bread on those chilly nights???? LOL!
It’s beautiful and congratulations on mastering an Ikea item!
Benny-too funny! I don’t like that Nasonex bee OR that silly caveman either! LOL!



Whew, thought it was another CRC moment. lol

Cindy, my guys hate the clippers and the grinder, but I have managed better with the grinder as well.  I got a rechargeable dremel for $20.  I think it helps not having the cord to add to their reaction.

Of course, it helps some to get them familiar with the tool before you turn it on, let them sniff it, rub it on their legs and paws a bit, etc.  I also use it on my own big toenail which you could at least pretend to do while they get accustomed to it.  Finally, do one nail and give a treat and wait a while before trying another nail. 

Our guys are on sidewalks alot which keeps the points knocked down somewhat, except for their dew claw, so they don’t need much attention thank goodness.



OBP, you said there were 2 drawers of “costumes”.  Is that separate from regular clothing? if so, do they have a closet of their own for that? lol We know Luna has at least one pretty dress. grin



We just asked the vet yesterday about the dremel tool for nails, he thinks it’s better for their comfort as long as they are not afraid of the noise. If your pugs are used to the blow dryer sound they should be ok with the dremel. Carla ideas sound good, make it seem like a toy first.



Your entertainment center looks nice. I have a drawer in my bedroom for Mushu’s things but I think I need another of which I don’t have. =/ Anyways, everything looks great!



OMGosh!  I just noticed the two vases (on top of the EC) from the trunk of the rental car.  The black ones with the orange stripes. lol.



My pug, Bogart, hates those 2 commericals as well! What is it about that bee and the caveman??



Rocky and Adrian have always been partial to the ugly, green Lamisil Guy.  Not only do they puff, they get outright indignant when they think he is in their living room! We’re on hold to see which TV personality Gulliver prefers.  Right now, at 7 months old, he mostly favors biting, nipping, chewing, scratching, and playing. Puppies…ya gotta love ‘em!

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