Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New Doggie Door


As much as the pugs come and go in and out of the yard during the day, we decided to get a doggie door that leads from the screened in part of the yard to the fenced part of the yard for the pugs so that I can can spend more time typing and less time opening and closing the door while I am working. Since I have a pretty clear view of the yard while working, I don't mind if the pugs come and go as they please because I can keep a very close eye on them.

So far the pugs have taken to the door very well. Occasionally they will forget about their new freedom to go in and out on their own and will scratch at the door, but they have been doing that less and less as the days go on.


Here's a shot of Henry not looking very enthused about the new door. "Yup, its a doggie door. Nothing to see here. Move along."


And here is a shot of Luna trotting right through the doggie door.

Where is Sol you ask? Well, Sol still prefers to use the door woman.

And please pardon all the dirt on the pool deck. As soon as the cement we poured to extend the step in the yard dried, the pugs couldn't wait to use the door. We didn't even have time to get the deck cleaned up.

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Miss Luna, you look like a pro…and Henry, oh Henry…it can’t be that bad cutie…Independence is a good thing!  Benjamin making a distinguished entrance as always…I think the door is a great addition…Sol, you are quite used to living in the lap of luxury now, aren’t you darling…give door woman (aka: mom) a break and try out that new door!!  hahaha



Very cute pictures!  Henry is probably thinking we had a good thing going before with the door woman, why change things up?  And Sol, well, being a wise lady, she knows better than to mess with a perfect thing! smile



So, how did you train them to use the doggie door?  Sleighbelle thinks that the doggie door at my friends house is for every pooch EXCEPT her!!



Another great story and more adorable pictures of the OBP gang.  New adventure even if Henry looks a little bored.  I bet Sol will start using the new door before long when she finds out she doesn’t have to wait for the door woman anymore, then again maybe not.  She might het more attention that way.

Karen B


I must get a doggie door!  That’s a fabulous idea for your fabulous four…Miss Sol will catch on soon, I’m sure!



Doggie doors are the greatest thing since sliced bread!



Aww…Luna is SO cute! And I find it amusing that little miss Sol requires her human door openner still. Ha! What a diva!



I wonder if our Pugs know just how well taken care of they really are? ....nah, probably not. I’m sure it’s just expected!
Great job on the new dog door - even if they aren’t, I’m impressed!!

sue s


Our doggie door is the human version, but we did have the doggie version at our last home-miss that door! Henry-you look more like you miss mom coming to your rescue-but not to worry sweet guy-mom is still near and because you have the door, she can get work done sooner for puggie-play time! Thanks for the good pics,comments and LAUGHS!!

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