Owned by Pugs

Monday, April 16, 2012

New Chewies


When I checked the mail on Friday evening I was very happy to see that the treats I ordered for the pugs had finally arrived. I ordered a pack Himalayan Dog Chews from a site that I just found called Doggy Loot (think Groupon meets Woot). My purchase was inspired by working mother guilt and the fact that the back story of the product mentioned Mount Everest. I have pretty much been fascinated by that mountain since watching a few Mount Everest shows on the Discovery channel.

So, when they finally arrived I couldn't wait to see what the pugs thought. To my surprise all 3 pugs liked their new chews. The pugs usually hate the chews I want them to like and love the chews that I hate. So far it looks like the chews are pretty clean (no staining or messy crumbs everywhere). They do have a little bit of a smokey smell but they sure do smell a lot better than some of the other things the pugs have chewed.



The other thing I learned is that Benjamin only chews with his eyes closed. Tried forever to get a shot of him with his eyes open, but I didn't have any luck.

Sidenote: The link to the Doggy Loot site is a referr a friend link. Meaning that I will receive $10 in Doggy Loot dollars if you make a purchase. If you sign up using the link you should receive $5 in Doggy Loot dollars (at least that is what the Doggy Loot site says).

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Minnie and Mack


Interesting chews!  Really interesting about Benny.  I’ll have to check out Mack when he chews to see if he does it with his eyes closed…

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



Himalayan Chews and deer antlers have long been the chews of choice for CFPR rescue pugs.  They don’t smell, they don’t stain, they pugs love them and most importantly, they are completely digestible…no chance of a soggy mass (like rawhide) choking them or causing a stomach or bowel blockage.  And they last a long time!  My pugs get at least a week’s worth of round-the-clock chewing pleasure with a Himalayan (we call them yak bones!)



The three look very content and happy with there new chews will have to check the site out



How cute!!  Benny chews with his eyes closed.. that is contentment for sure!
Henry…  looking very Pug Hefner in this pose.
Lil Miss… nom, nom… chomp, chomp… 
Enjoy your new chewies!



Hooray for new chewies! Henry looks like he is saying, “Are you going to stop or do I need to move?” Or the classic, “Got a light?”

They look so happy with their new chewies! Gotta love a busy pug.

Hope everyone survived the crazy weather!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me!



Pat and Gina, your observations about Henry are hilarious!

All three of them are in chew-heaven with those things.  I want to get some now, too.  Bennie loves to chew, but he has a tendancy to gag himself with them when they get soft.  And that panics momma.  We’ll give these a try and when I order I’ll



Can anyone concentrate and look more content than a pug with a treat?  Makes you want to pop one in your own mouth.

My “starter pug” Abby has found a new way to remind the other two of her position in the family.  She will jump on my lap if for no other reason than Gracie happens to be there.  It isn’t enough that Abby scoots her fanny closer and closer to the arm of the chair where Gracie is trying like mad to stay and getting scooted little by little.  It wasn’t enough…Abby got on top of her and just sat.  My ‘demented diva’ acted so innocent, too.  Butter or kibble, it wouldn’t melt in her mouth.



Huckle, love the nickname Demented Diva!  Do you call her DD for short?  What a little alpha-girl she is!

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Hahaha! Henry looks like he’s chewing on a stogie!




sue states


Henry looks like he heard something about Everest and was looks like he’s wondering if for the next treat he’ll have to climb. Love the demented diva comment Huckle-have to admit Beauty did the same to Daisey-diva? maybe-jealous lap queen?-For Sure! Pug hugs to all from the Colorado 4

Hellen Norton


The gang seems to be really happy with their new treats!!

Not feeling well today but will save this as I do all OPB.

Will check back tomorrow to get the name of the treat place.



Have been trying all day long to blog, but I am authorized except f9r the one word “Test” that went through.  Maybe my blog is too long.






Sue, I get that occasionally too.  After I’ve written a long comment and go to send it and it says unauthorized.  So, to combat that until it can be cleared up, I copy my comment and put it in Word Pad until I can get through on OBP and then I just paste it into the blog space.  (I use Word Pad for these because it is simple and works quicker than, say, WordPerfect.)



Thanks Huckle.  I will try again tomorrow.

Lilo N me (Aka Gwen)


Wow those chewies sound great, and the gang really looks to be enjoying them.  Just don’t tell them you want them to like them lol.

Had to pick up a couple more of the big rawhide type this weekend as Tux is teething again/still. Found a couple of teeth last week. I always buy the ones that are just big enough to gnaw on and not get too torn apart. We had one left last week and well then the fight was on. Silly pugs.

Lol @ demented diva and jealous lap-queen!

I think the babes are trying to tell me it’s time for some puggy shut-eye.  Have a great week everyone.

Love, pug hugs and smooches from Lilo n me n Tux

Sue VDB and Annie


Ok everybody, here is what I have been trying to blog all week, minus the link I originally included.

Romeo, with the help of Martha (OBP), her husband Mark, and my Kansas City, Kansas friend Richard, brought Annie home to me Saturday, April 14, 2012.

Romeo knew it was getting difficult for me to pick up his 22 lb. self, so he chose a petite 2-3 year old fawn girl from DFW Pug Rescue in Dalla/Ft. Worth.  She currently weighs 12.3 lbs. and needs to gain a little weight. She lived with her two pug sisters in a backyard 24/7.  The humans calledl an organization to help with food for them, and when they arrived and realized these three babies lived outside, they contacted DFW Pug Rescue, who convinced the humans to release them to find a good home.  At the time of rescue they had not eaten for four days.

When the adoption process was completed, Thursday Martha and Mark picked her up from the boarding place and took her home with them, where their Bennie fell in love.  On Friday, they took her to a truck stop to meet Richard who was returning home after deliverying a load, and he drove her home in his 18 wheeler.  I will be eternally grateful to them for their help.  I love you guys.

Annie is settling in quite nicely, and makes me laugh all the time.  When I was not sitting on the sofa, Romeo would lay there…so does Annie.  When I was at the computer, Romeo had a certain spot to lay…so does Annie.  Romeo was rescued from a neglectful situaion, so was Annie. 

While Ben and I were in the driveway waiting for Annie, the mail came.  In it was a sympathy card from the vet clinic where Romeo went for his acupuncture treatments.  In that card was another little card which reads:

“In memory of your pet and as part of their memorial naming program, Protective Animal Welfare will be naming a rescue animal in their program aftert your beloved companion.

We are truly sorry for your loss and hope this helps ease the pain.  From grief comes a new beginning. From despair comes hope.  From sadness comesl a chance at a new life.”

Annie is my new beginning, hope and new life.

Sue VDB and Annie


To see Annie log in (I have to completely spell it out or it won’t go through) galleries, inset dot, shagly, insert dot com and a forward slash, boarding bungalow4-9-2012.  She is the first picture, and on the second page, last frame, is a short video.



Just sweet sweet puggies enjoying their treats that their mama got them.
Adorable babies!! smile



Ahhh, Sue!  So happy that Romeo put you and Annie together!

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