Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Naughty List

It seems in the last few weeks that Luna has launched a campaign to get on Santa's naughty list. First, we had her digging through the trash. Then the other day, she took advantage of an open bag of kibble hanging out on the floor.

I was sitting on the floor doing some treat training with the pugs. I had to get up to grab something and Luna took advantage of the open bag of kibble sitting on the floor. It's a pretty short video, because I had to jump in and stop her before she ate the whole bag.

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sue wooding


this is so funny thanks for my morning laugh

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Oh Luna, you are digging into that kibble like there is no tomorrow.  One thing I am sure of, even if you are naughty you know Santa will be good to you.

Sue States


LOL! Ms.Luna you just made my day. I think Santa Paws will understand and bring you goodies. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

Jennifer Moulton


oh, Luna isn’t naughty, she is brilliant!!!  And apparently much faster than the boys!  I love Luna’s shenanigans!

Mr Harrypug UK


My very naughty greedy pug Minnie ate the topping off a pizza out of my shopping bag, stole the bird food out of my coat pocket. ( that incidentally came out the other end in a fountain about 3am ) and is often caught licking the plates in the dishwasher.
She does get told off, but boy is she quick.

pug mama


Luna isn’t naughty, she’s a great example of an excellent opportunist!!

crazy pug lady


Have you considered DOG SHAMING?  LOL!



Oh no!  Not the Naughty List!  Not for our darling, precious, practically perfect Luna!



Awesome job Luna! Lilo and Tux are high fiving.  Tux is this way exactly.  If i leave the lid off, i’m sure he’d jump right into the rubbermaid tub and eat himself to death.

Just wanted to pop in and wish you all a Very Merry Puggy Christmas and all the best in the New Year.  Although I don’t get here often at all these days, we think of you all often, and i keep up with some of you on facebook still. 

I’ve been directing members from our Regina Pug Group to check in here.  We’ve had some loss in our group and I can’t think of a better, more loving place to help guide others through the process.  You are a group extraordinaire!  You are also a wonderful resource for the pug community around the world. So thank you for sharing your crew with us every day.

Pugs n Kisses,
from the Great White North
Regina, Saskatchewan
Lilo n Me n Tux

steve lindhurst


She is just exercising her constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness (and chow!).

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