Owned by Pugs

Monday, June 16, 2008

My View

Benjamin & Luna

When I sit on the lounge chair this is the view I have.  I always have to sit with my knees up to my chest because the pugs never miss an opportunity to sit on the lounge chair with someone.  Most of the time, Henry wiggles his way in there too, but not until my hand has fallen off from petting him.  Henry likes to sit on the ground right next to my chair.  From there, he knows that my hand can reach him perfectly and that I have plenty of time to pet him.  He enjoys it so much and feels so relaxed he has to fight falling asleep which makes him look like this.



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How precious!!  Mr. Skittles will sit on top of me or my husband when we are in a chair, and if I sit at the top of stairs, he will sit beside me and nudge me to pat him.
You need an extra long lounge chair , by the looks of things!!
Have a great day!



If there’s reincarnation, I’d like to come back as one of your pugs.



Hmmmm, maybe a double-wide lounge chair grin  I don’t think I’ve ever seen one.  Sounds like a money-maker to me.  Gotta go visit my friendly neighborhood engineer wink

lol Have a great week everyone!



this pug looks so dang cute like geroiga
we used to have a pug like that named gerogia

Karen B


That’s a great view!  I can’t imagine even having a view without a pug in it!!  LOL!
C.J. and Toeby also like to share (hog) my lounge chair by the pool but just til it gets too hot, then they want to go in the pool and stand on the top step where they can get a little wet and cool.

Sleepy boy Henry=ADORABLE!



Love the view.  A day without a pug is totally a day not worth having!



Aww I love that pug face.. its my favorite! Gus is turning into a huge lap dog, leaping on and off my lap for some tlc. smile



Lovely view. Ha! Henry looks about ready to pass out.



Momma…  you are getting sleepy…  very sleepy…  you will get up and get Henry a treat…. very slee..py Henry very sleepy..
who is hypnotizing who!!

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