Owned by Pugs

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Two Weeks with Monroe - Part I


This is a super long story so I have broken it up into multiple parts.

The night we got back from Miami with the pugs, we spotted a dog in our neighborhood that we had never seen before. The pugs were out for their final potty of the night. It was dark and they were very tired from their big adventure to Miami. Heck, I was tired from our big adventure to Miami and the long drive home.

While we were out, I spotted a pair of glowing eyes spying on us from across the street. I could make out that it was a dog, but I wasn't sure whose dog it was. Not knowing anything about the dog, I hurried the pugs into the house.

After we got the pugs into the house safe and sound, we went out to check on the dog. While we were gone the stray dog walked out of the shadows and was now standing in the middle of the street. She was all white, had a pink harness on and had pointy ears.

I called to her and she turned her head a bit. I asked her what she was doing out so late and where did she live. More head turning. I took a few steps towards her and she bolted across the street and into the woods faster than I have ever seen any dog run before.

Wow! We headed back inside, got ready for bed and I fell asleep with this mysterious white dog on my mind.

The next evening, while out with the pugs, we spotted the stray dog again. This time it was a little lighter outside and I could get a better look at her. I could tell that she was super skinny. She had definitely not been eating regularly.

Before, I could make it back into the house with the pugs and get the white dog some food, a car came down the street. My heart leapt to my throat, but just like the night before the dog raced backed into the woods.

After we got back to the house, we decided we needed to give this mystery dog a name (we name everything). After some debate, and after having just watched the movie My Week with Marilyn we decided on Monroe. She was a blonde dog that had clearly been used and abused up to this point in her life.

The pugs also had an upcoming visit with the vet. I made a note to talk to the vet about Monroe and find out if it was safe to have the pugs around her. After all, the only time Monroe seemed to come near us was when the pugs were with us.

After my visit at the vet, I felt comfortable having the pugs around Monroe. My vet's biggest warning was to keep the pugs away from Monroe's stool. Since it was safe to have Monroe around the pugs, I made a stop at the store and picked up some dog food. We made the decision that we were going to start feeding this skinny dog.

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she is very sweet i hope you can make friends them maybe catch this sweet babe as i would hate for the wrong person to get monroe please keep us updated.



Monroe looks like a pretty scared dog I am hoping you got her before something happened to her



Monroe is a beautiful girl.  Anxious to hear the rest of this story.



How nice of you to to help Monroe! She’s wearing a harness so I’m wondering if she belongs to someone and they have lost her?
The Pugs will befriend her for sure.

mary castagnoli


I’m “all ears” for the next installment.  I really like the name BTW.
What do the pugs seem to think about all this, I wonder?



What a cute dog. I hope she is somewhere safe now. I have a feeling she might be smile So glad you found her Corrine!

Hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me.



I’m happy Monroe found her way to the OBP Household.  This story sounds like it’s going to have a happy ending for the beautiful Monroe : )



Not at all what I was expecting when I read the blog title today. 

I love the name, too.  Our family names things, too, especially my older sister, Dr. Doolittle.  She names the squirrels, birds, even the half-dozen or so tortoises in her yard. grin

I’m anxious to hear the rest of the story, too, although I also feel there is a happy ending coming up. grin

Have a great week OBPers



Monroe doesn’t realize how lucky sheis that you found her..  The rest of the story should be very interesting and I’m thinking it will turn out all right for the little miss.  Hmmm, maybe Solsey steered her toward your neighborhood, telling she had a great experience when she found you and ‘paying it forward.’

I’ll try to make this short (you know me).  We played ‘musical dogs’ over the weekend. #1 son’s Mastiff is now living at #4 son’s house.  #1 has accepted a job in Tampa (OBP here I come! wink)and started the new job today.  Everything had to happen quickly for it to work out.  So over the weekend, he comes up north (3 hours), deposits his baby with #4, drives back to Cincinnati (another 3 hours), packed his bag and drove to Tampa (some 15 hours I think).  All that driving in such a short time span had me anxious but is neither here nor there.  #4 son came over on Mother’s Day then went back home (about 10 miles to give an idea of the time it took) only to discover that the Mastiff had broken THROUGH their basement door and got into some insulation as well (Kinds’ reminiscent of Cooper2’s behavior - oh lord).

I’m not quite sure why but we ended up with #4’s dog but we did.  Guess that was the Mother’s Day present. The thing we “inherited” is about a 4 pound Chihuahua who I lovingly call “Taco Breath”.  I guess the way things worked out, we got the lesser of two evils (but she squeals whenever Cooper just looks at her)and escaped having to have the Mastiff.  But there goes my campaign for another Pug.  Chihuahua - I can’t even spell it with spell check.  That was some Mother’s Day.  I’m still scratching my head.

Pug Hugs,
Huckle chuckles (yeah, right)
the Swamp Pugs
Pooper Cooper (don’t ask)
and now Taco Breath



Oh Huckle! Always good for a chuckle! Taco Breath. hee hee hee.

mary castagnoli


Huckle:  I used to get so tired of having to look up the spelling for these tiny guys - finally just made the mental impression that they were REALLY called “chi-hoowa-hoowa’s” and the spelling would come.

Reminds me of the time I was taking a test in middle school and needed to write the word “what”.  I completely blanked - couldn’t even come up with “wat” or “wot”.  It was like I was suddenly in the middle of a foreign language.

I also drew a blank when a store clerk asked me my first name (same age - must’ve been growing pains).  I stuttered around a full minute and blurted out “Nancy”!  I think my mother should’ve kept me home that year.



If Monroe can get over her timidness… she may find OBP household is a great place to be.  Good luck in convincing her of that.  Looking forward to hearing more about her and the gang!!



Monroe sounds so sweet.
I hope you find a way to help her!

Puggy Love Muffles + Lala

pug mama


oh dear, Huckle, this is definitely a case of to be continued for you too!!!!

Sue VDB and Annie


Your two weeks with Monroe tell me she found a good home, or she was lost and found her humans again.  At any rate, she is a gorgeous dog, and thank you for taking care of this beautiful creature.

Huckle, another chuckle story.  You seem to just fall into these, don’t you?

Hope everyone’s Mothers Day was great.  I didn’t celebntate until today.  My son took me out to lunch today at a great restaurant and the day was so gorgeous we sat outside.  This is in an old business district that has been revitalized into an art district with a lot of fantastic restaurants.  It was very relaxing and enjoyable…no crowds, no noise, no feeling you have to hurry up because there are so many people waiting.

Hellen Norton


How kind of you to take care of this sweet soul!

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