Monday, July 16, 2007
More Snakes
So the snake saga continues. I see my friend the black racer a few times each week. I can’t be 100% sure that it is the same snake, but I like to tell myself that we only have one. However, this guy in the picture is definitely not a black racer. I found him in the gutter in front of my house and as soon as I saw him the little rhyme, “red on yellow can kill a fellow” popped into my head. I looked him up in a little book that I have and I believe it is a coral snake.
Other than that, I have spotted a grayish snake in the backyard as well. He was very hard to spot because it looked like he was trying to go under ground. I’m not exactly sure what was going on.
As you can tell, I don’t really know that much about snakes. I’m not really sure why we have so many either. We do have a lot of frogs, so I guess they are here for them.
They just make me a little nervous because it seems like we are always stumbling upon one. I guess, I am going to have to read up on snakes and other Florida wildlife so that I am just more prepared.
Ann Colby
As much as I love snakes and have adopted a “live and let live” attitude about them, this little guy would be deadly to the pugs…and to you!...would would be better off relocated to a nice wilderness area. Call you local animal control or serpentarium or zoo the next time you see him. They should help with relocation…and may also have need of his venom for research purposes. As for the gray fellow…can’t really tell what his status is without seeing him….just observe at a distance…and definitely back off fast if he has a triangular head!