Owned by Pugs

Thursday, August 6, 2015

More Quirks Of A Blind Dog

Since Henry has gone blind, there are some things we have expected and some things we did not expect. We knew that his sense of smell would be heightened but we did not expect that he would begin "over sniffing" on things that may be considered inappropriate. Trash cans are one of those things he over sniffs. We can literally spend 3-5 minutes waiting for him to finish taking in the smells of a nasty ol' trash can!

Another weird thing that we did not expect was how he has sort of turned into Ben with the odd places he will poop. (Sorry if I lost some of you with the "TMI: or too much information.) And fortunately, these odd places have all been outside the house! (Unlike Benny on a rainy day!) Recently, though, after over sniffing a light pole with a square base, he immediately turned around an pooped it!

But that still doesn't hold a candle to one of Benny's worst poop stories. Benny once poopd at the entrance of a store that had automatic doors. He decided right at that moment to drop his waste just as the doors slid apart and out popped customers giving us the stink eye. I cannot say that I blame them. In our defense, we did try to drag Baby Benny away from the location but what else can you do when nature calls, your dog is copping a squat and you are dragging him while he is still squatting?! We thought if we kept dragging him, we'd just leave a trail. At least this way it would be one small pile and we are the most diligent poop picker uppers in the land. Benny had many other inappropriate poop scenarios but this was an all time high! OR SHOULD I SAY LOW?!) #Embarrassing

Anyway, back to Henry, I am not sure if metal and plastic hold smells more than wood (like a tree) but those are the objects he tends to sniff the most. He will choose to sniff industrial things over natural things more now that he is blind. There are places that we go for Henry to actually take a walk (such as Memorial Park,Reed Canal Park, the beach) and places we go that give Henry an overload of smells (City Center, the dog park). We have labeled the extra smelly places with a new compound word. These are Henry's "Sniffortunities" (Sniff + Opportunities). Places where Henry has ample opportunities to sniff (and over sniff) are great sniffortuniities for him!

Not sure if this is normal blind dog behavior. But this is our Henry. And we will take him as he comes to us. Quirks and all. #OneCoolPug #BlindDogQuirks #WhosAGoodBoy? #SniffortunitiesForAll

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Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Four o’clock in the morning and I am laughing, making Annie question my sanity.  I love the story about the Sniffortunities.
That will be forever be stuck in my head.

sue wooding


was smiling while reading this my Abby everytime we go to the vet I walk her before we go in she does nothing but as soon as we are inside she poops

Christie Sachde


I think sniffortunites should be added to Webster! Loved the Benny poop story…my best potty story is this…My husband took Vito and Olive to the pet store…Olive got all the attention(Vito is a bit shy and waits for people to come to him while Olive gets all up in everyone’s business)...apparently Vito was a bit miffed because when they left the pet store he lifted his leg and peed on Olive’s head! So much for brotherly love;)

Sandra B.


Between Henry’s “sniffortunites” and Vito’s “brotherly love”
I got a good chuckle with my morning (left coast time) coffee!

Cheers to all in OBP land!

Susan States


LOL! Can’t help but say:“One pug’s treasure to sniff is a human’s trash-not to sniff”. Solsie is the star of “holding it”-that is until we go to the vet or the groomers-then it’s let me “unload” the biggest poop ever to come out of a pug! REALLY SOLSIE? Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



Oh, I am very much with Sue VBD at the moment, laughing so hard!  I absolutely love our new word:  sniffortunities!!

And not TMI in the least!  Who among us does not have an awkward poop story?  Or two, three or four!!! 

Maybe since Henry is now sniffing solo on his walks, he has more time to smell and really think it through.  I’m interested in the fact that he focuses more on man-made materials than nature.




HeeHee “Sniffortunities”  you know we love a new word!!!!  Have a good weekend everyone!!

Roberta and coco


Coco once chose to poop in downtown Annapolis (very dog friendly) right in Ben and jerry’s as we we’re waiting in line for ice-cream….needless to say I cleaned it up and we got no ice cream considering allllll the stink eyes we got!!! Gotta love them!!!!

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