Owned by Pugs

Monday, October 15, 2012

More Good News


Luna's 3rd sonogram revealed that the mysterious spot on her bladder is 95% gone! We are very relieved with the good news. The thinking is that the inflammation was caused by cystitis. We have to keep an eye out to make sure this condition does not reoccur.

While Luna has been on antibiotics for almost a month, her cough has not cleared up. This has me very concerned because I was thinking that she also had some type of infection in her chest. We decided to do another chest x-ray to take a look at things. The spot on her lungs was still there, with little to no change since her last chest x-ray a few weeks ago. Since we know more about the bladder now, our vet is diagnosing this as bronchial disease. She has been put on medicine to help with her cough, but there really isn't anything we can do to cure it. It is more of a maintenance thing.

While bronchial disease is not great, it certainly is better than a collapsed trachea. Sol's trachea issues have me super concerned about trachea issues in Benjamin, Henry and Luna and I was very glad to see that the x-ray showed that Luna's trachea is in tip top shape.

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great news for our sweet luna babe.prayers are being said for her each and everyday.



Superb news!  I had a few qualms over the weekend wondering if something more was amiss.  Little Miss Looney Tunes has come through once again for all her adoring fans. What a breath of relief.  I imagine there was dancing in your house this weekend.  The boys were probably wondering what all the fuss had been about and would now like to know if they could go back to being ornery big brothers.

BTW, how do you keep cystitis at bay?

Janice, 2 Pugs and a Boxer Mix


I am so happy for Miss Luna.  She is such a precious little girl.  I know her brothers are relieved also.  Yesterday was my Sassy’s 5th birthday.  Each one got a plain cheeseburger from McDonalds for the birthday celebration.  I am so blessed to have my two babies and my grand dog.  They light up my life.  Happy Monday to each of you.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


what a relief.  as obpers read this corrine, do you hear the sighs of relief?  i know i let out a big one, as well as a prayer of thanks to st. francis.

i know you will be diligent in keeping the bronchial disease under control.  your record of keeping on top of everything assures the best for sweet luna.

happy belated 5th birthday to sassy.  i bet everyone enjoyed her birthday with cheesburger treats.



I am VERY happy to hear Luna’s results!  A sweet way to start off the week!

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Luna is the ultimate survivor, isn’t she? From whatever caused her scars before she came to live with Corinne and the boys, to her eye problems, and now this? Wow! God Bless her, she just keeps on conquering one thing after another!



So happy to hear the good news I know you must be relieved Corrine Yay Luna



Wonderful news about Luna.

Hellen Norton


So happy that Luna is doing better. I am well behide on my e-mails. Crocheted outfits for Dakota (Blooming Pug), Gwen, DEVIL wil Horns. Mercy angel wings. NOW TO GET THEM TO SIT STILL FOR PICTURES!

They are going to be on face book at Halloween 1212 where there will be a party going on with prizes!

sue states


Great news! So happy for you ms.Luna. Happy belated b’day Sassy-sounds like all had fun. And pumpkin bread season is in full swing here in colorado-I guess that makes benny the king of drool-makes me drool, too. Hope all have a great Monday-foot ball tonight go Broncos! Pug hugs from pastor sue & the colorado 2

Hellen Norton


So happy to hear Miss Luna is doing better! She is such an angel and really love her!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


hellen, let us know when their pictures appear.



Happy to hear the good news….however, you really have your worries with all little Luna’s problems.



So relieved to hear the good news, i was worried when i got to work and didn’t see any posting. i just got it tonight.

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