Owned by Pugs

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mixed Veggies are Not a Hit


This veggie special in the dog bowls this week was mixed vegetables. It did not go over well with Benny.

At each meal he flung his veggies out of his bowl so that he could get to the good stuff.


But, we didn't let him leave the table without eating his vegetables. We made sure he cleaned his bowl and his placemat before we let him go off and play.

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this is so funny Benny don’t you know veggies are good for you thanks for my monday smile



The look on Benny’s face?  PRICELESS!!!  I know he is thinking, “has mom lost her ever loving mind?  what is up with the veggies?”!!!!



I love that he has some food on his pouty mug *giggle*

No pugkin bread if you don’t eat your veggies handsome boy!



Really Mom?  Oh, all right, I’ll eat ‘em, but it dont mean I like ‘em!! grin

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


What good parents you are.  I would have caved with one look at Benny’s pleading face.  I never thought of mixed veggies - obviously not a hit - and have trouble sometimes getting them to eat their green beans.  Your gang is a bit more cooperative than mine.  What a smile to start the day!



That is hilarious! I love how you said ‘he flung veggies at each meal.’ I can just picture it! (I’m with you Benny, I’m not a big veggie eater unless ranch dressing is involved!)

Happy Monday to all! It’s cold and dreary today (and both girls are at school!) and I fell down the back steps while holding Bella this morning! Yuck. I think I deserve to go back to bed!!! smile Bella is already snoring away. We’re fine though. Just a little bruised and sore. Clumsy!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me.

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Contemplating Luna’s adorable “chin rest pose” this weekend, I thought it would really be interesting to hear the strange or common “chin rest poses” of all OBP pugs.  We know they are creative and funny and it might be fun to share.



My Goodness… some little puggy didn’t like his veggies!!!  Too cute, and I can see those veggies being flung out the bowl to get “the good” stuff   lol



aw look at that face lol love you sweetie.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


These are such funny pictures.  Benny, if you eat them first, then the rest of the food is like desert.

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