Owned by Pugs

Monday, November 18, 2013



We keep a small step stool in the kitchen pantry. One night when I was cooking dinner, I opened the pantry door and took out the step stool to grab a spice from a high shelf. In my haste, I did not close the pantry door and Luna must have smelled something pretty interesting in the pantry because when I turned around she was actually inside the pantry. When she knew she was busted, she had a look on her face that said, "I though you were going to be longer with the little stool."

So, I gave Luna that standard pug punishment for any mischievous doings - I made her pose for a picture.


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So cute. Don’t worry Luna, mommy loves you. My cats pull this on me. My male cat got in the dryer and I closed the door not seeing him. My Bugsy started barking at the dryer and of course I found Quinn.

sue wooding


Luna you are such a cutie I love the look on her face



Too cute!  I love the look on Luna’s face.  What a cutie-pie!

xoxo Patty



What does the word ““pug”” mean?  Opportunist!

Dear OBP., Georgie is back to nursing.  Why is my 7 yr. old Pug thinking this appropriate and how can I get her 7 year old sister to quit letting him nurse?  CONFUSED IN OHIO



Luna you are so adorable!!!  If there is a treat to be found———a pug will find it!!!!! A true
pug must explore all possibilities!!!!



Busted!!  But I’ve never seen a cuter criminal.  But wait, I have a criminal attorney as a customer, and he always, always says, “alleged criminal”.  Don’t want a lawsuit for slander now do we???

sue states


I think Ms.Luna was just waiting to see what other items mom might need for dinner-or did she fool me too? Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



Oh Luna. This is too cute! She is such a cutie. And I think the look on her face says “look what I did Mom! Aren’t you proud of me?”

Huckle~Georgie is a geek. Tell him Bella said he needs to stop. wink



I just love the sweet expression on Luna’s face!  She must have wondered what that shelf was all about and decided to explore! 

I notice you’re a household that seems to have need for those lint rollers. Hmmm…..  Does having three pugs have anything to do with that?

Huckle, I’m shaking my head about Georgie : )  He just must like the idea!

Hellen Norton


Dear Little Luna…what a sweet look on your face….bet you were looking for some forgotten treat…Dakota hides bites of treat under my bed…Know this because she jumped on the bed late at night and munched on a treat for hours on in!!

We are settled in our new home in Fort Mohave AZ!!!!!
All are settled in. Dakota, and Gwen were joined her by the largest dog in our Family….MERCY a beautiful black Lab adopted from a pound in Oregon!!!



Just helping you you Mama!!! Wouldn’t want you to forget anything!  Like a treat for me????

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


This picture defies proper wording.  All I can say is you are so precious Luna.

Huckle, maybe Georgie needs assurance…or…he is just weird. 

Hellen, I hope the warmer weather agrees with you more than Oregon, as well as Dakota, the Texas girl.

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