Friday, September 18, 2009
Sol continues to do well. She slept most of Thursday, which was to be expected. Her appetite is back in full swing which is always a good sign. The biggest problem we are having is that the little bugger can a find a pill in pretty much anything.
For the curious, here is a picture of Sol's incision on her belly that I took the night of her surgery day. If you are squeamish or you happen to be eating breakfast feel free to skip right over that link.
The 2010 calendar submissions came to a quiet close earlier in the month. We received over 1,250 amazing pug photos! I was happily surprised. A huge thank you to all that submitted pictures.
I have been hard at work on the calendar whenever I have a moment of downtime. I am hoping to send it off to the printer by the middle of next week, which would keep things on track for an early October release date.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! You all deserve it! I'm sure everyone is tired after sending all those well wishes to Solsey Baby.
Dear Sol:
Mommy told us you had an ouwie and we are all sending you lots of puggy snuggles, snorts and snuffles to make you feel better. We are very very happy to hear that you are feeling better already and hope that you continue to get stronger and feel less owie.
Ho-Tei is very proud of your pill finding abilities. He too is very good at finding the pill in anything. Sure hope you haven’t learned his trick about holding the pill in your mouth until mom walks away and then spitting it out!
Get well soon dear friend. We are sending you lots and lots of pug love.
Ho-Tei, Myoki, Woody, Bodhi & Poppy