Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Memories of Winter

Benjamin & Henry

So I have been reading the blogs of all our friends in snowy places, looking at all their winter wonderland pictures and thought I would share some pictures of Benjamin & Henry from winters past in Maryland.  So today, we travel back to February 2003.  The boys weren’t even a year old yet and Luna was not even a thought in our mind.  If you asked if we were going to get a third pug our stomach would have hurt from laughing.  At that time, having two puppies was way more difficult than I ever could have imagined.  To this day, I’m not sure if I ever want another puppy again in my life.

But in any case, as bad as they were, Benjamin & Henry were up for anything and they had a ball romping around in all the white stuff..


This is classic Benjamin.  While he loved the snow, he could only be out for a short amount of time.  The cold snow was just too much for his delicate paws.


Henry never was one to stay on the beaten path and when it snowed, Henry always made a beeline to the undisturbed snow and trudged through and made his own path.


In Maryland, we lived near a library and when it snowed they plowed the snow into the parking lot into huge piles.  The boys loved to run up the mounds and act like Kings of the world.


To my knowledge, Luna has never seen a flurry in her life.  She is originally from Miami and when we adopted her she made the move to the northern part of central Florida.  However, you would think that she moved to Antarctica.  It gets a little chillier in this part of Florida than it does in Miami and she is forever shivering.  If it gets anywhere near the 40’s we have to break out her winter coat.  She is definitely a sunshine kind of girl.  I have a feeling that if she was ever subjected to snow that she would be contacting Compassionate Pug Rescue and telling them that they needed to find her a new home.


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Our guys also love the thick snow for playing.  Rascal resists walking on the grass when there’s a dusting, or an inch maybe, but when there’s a pile, both guys just have to be in it or on it. lol



Indy loves the snow too. The minute her red sweater goes on, she knows what is outside waiting for her! Gus just saw snow for the first time this year and now he loves it. The dive in and out of the snow like dolphins. smile
The boys are super cute all covered in snow!
I couldn’t possibly imaging two hyper pug puppies at the same time! Indy on her own was enough for me! smile



Daisy is a maniac in the snow! I almost wish we’d gotten more this year because she’s had such fun.

Great pictures!



Awwwww! So cute!!!



LOL! Love the pictures! My Benee spent his first year in Connecticut - then Brooklyn - HE HATED THE SNOW! I tried the boots - forget it - walking was a NO. I would have to carry him around the corner so he would go potty as he ran back to the apt.!
Now - he lives the life he was meant to in Sunny california!



Happy memories of yesterday, when you were my “neighbors” or my safe harbor from the storm.  I miss you all so much!



I’m glad to hear you say that the boys were “bad” when they were puppies. Marti was a tornado of destruction and orneriness. I was so happy to get out of the puppy stage with her!

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