Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Marching To The Beat Of His Own Drummer
Often after I get home from work, I take Henry up to his Grammy's house. Grammy has a kitty cat that needs to get a pill each day and with all the experience we have pilling animals, we volunteer for this task. Henry is often in tow on this adventure. He gets a nice little treat at Grammy's and a few bonus minutes of Grammy time. I usually stop on the way home from this quick jaunt to get the mail. Henry, however, has not been very patient with this task, however. So, one day, I decided that he knew the way home (blind or not) and I locked his leash and let him go!
Don't panic. We live on a super quiet street and I had my eye on him and on traffic AND I could catch him if I needed too. But I wanted to share the video and the back story since sometimes now, if you watch him, he does not seem blind. He is truly smart and has learned his way around places and can navigate so much better than ever before. He is one good boy that Henry the pug!
Minnie, Mack and Mario
Amazing! Animals are so darned adaptable.