Owned by Pugs

Monday, April 23, 2007

Marathon Chewer

Benny chewing his new bone

The other night we gave each of the pugs a nice bone with some creamy filling inside.  Everyone worked on their bones for about an hour and then Henry & Luna started to tire out.  Benny on the other hand was just getting started and he easily chewed for another hour.  At that point, it was time for bed.  So I picked up the bones and put them in the toy bin and took everyone out for their final potty of the night.  When we got back, Benjamin snuck off and dug his bone out of the toy box and got in an extra 5 minutes of chewing before I took the bone away from him and put it in the drawer of the nightstand where it was out of his reach.  Reluctantly, Benjamin went to sleep, knowing that he would be able to retrieve his bone in the morning.

First thing in the morning the next day, Benjamin, the happy go lucky morning person that he is, was dancing and jumping around in front of the dresser happy as could be because he knew he was now allowed to have his bone.  So I gave him his bone and he headed outside to chew it on his favorite lounge chair.  He chewed on that bone for hours.  At one point he caught Henry looking at his bone and Benny gave Henry his “Boy, don’t you even think about looking at my bone.  Just mind your business!”


Finally, after hours of chewing, Benny finally fell asleep.  He was so sleepy that he almost slept through lunch.  Good thing he has a little sister that loves to eat just as much as him.

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