Owned by Pugs

Monday, November 21, 2011

Manning the Snacks


We had a party last Saturday night and while everyone was off taking a look around the house Henry was manning the snack table. I guess his logic was that he was already well acquainted with the office, but these snacks, those he had not yet met.

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It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it Henry!  Too cute smile



Good plan Hank!  First in line is sure to get a little treat or two…hope you had a fun time hosting your guests handsome boy!

How is everyone feeling?  Did the weekend bring healing for our puggers in need?



heehee… Henry, you lil devil… what pug does not hang around a table..especially when there is food on it.
I hope the guests gave you some nibblies and you had a great evening!

Hope everyone had a good weekend, and puggies that haven’t been feeling well are on the mend! Thinking of all of you!

mary castagnoli


All you need, HENRY, is a little black tux and white “towel” over your arm/leg???  You’d make the perfect maitre d’!

He’s like:  “When’s everyone coming back for snacks?  And I KNOW they’re not so rude they won’d share with one who so steadfastly watch-eth the table!”

Pugs get sooo serious about “the food”.

Hope everyone has a great week going in to Thanksgiving.  I will be home with my baby Bella this year, for a change, so she’ll get the full benefit of all the sights and smells of MY favorite holiday.

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


Oh Henry, you are a pug right after my own heart!



Henry instintively knew the most important job of hosting a party…watch the food, plus probably willing those snacks to come to him.

Gina, how was the weekend with Pip?  I keep praying he makes a complete turnaround and gets rid of that nasty pancreatis. 

Hucke, how is Georgie doing?  Hope the trachea has found relief.

I know I’m leaving someone out and I sincerely apologize, but pray that healing is on the way.

sue states


No snack will be eaten before it’s time sir Henry is on the watch from wold-be theives!  Unbeknown Henry is a member of the undercover pug’s. Prayers for all the ill puggiies to be getting better! Pug hugs from the Colorado 4



This picture really made me laugh. So “pug”. Great job Henry! Are you for hire? smile

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I’ve been praying for everyone’s puggers to be on the mend soon. Including Pip of course!

He was at the vet until 12:30 on Saturday and then home all day yesterday. He did really good too. Such a trooper. He handles everything so well. He is back at the vet’s all day today, tomorrow and Wednesday. We are really ‘hitting the pancreas hard’ with anti-biotics and prednisone to help the inflammation. I pray this works for him. He seems so little and delicate after losing so much weight. He was 18 pounds this morn.

Well, have a great Monday everyone. Anyone traveling for the upcoming holiday? Safe travels if you are!

Pug Hugs to all from Gina & Pip

mary castagnoli


Little PIP, Little PIP:  Please know that my prayers are with you - and my stomach has hurt in sympathy with yours since this ordeal began for you . . . can only imagine what your mommy’s been feeling.  I hope that all the GET WELL ANGELS stay close beside you and help those antibiotics do their very best in getting you well - and up and eating again really soon.

Kisses and ‘kerchiefs around GEORGIE’s sweet neck to help ease his coughing.

Hope that all the pugs in OBP-land and elsewhere are doing well - are hearty and hale for the holidays coming up - so that everyone has the very nicest, most blessed Thanksgivings and Christmases ever.  ( a little ahead of myself - but wanted to cover all the bases with good wishes.)



Henry is a marvelous host!  He’s just interested in making sure everyone helps themselves to the good food!  (However, I notice he’s not interested in the drink area and making sure guests aren’t thirsty!)

I’m keeping Pip and Georgie and everyone’s pugs in my prayers!



Thank you Mary and Martha. Prayers for all the pugs and people on obp and elsewhere like Martha said! Thank you!!!



Poor Pip is sure on a rollercoaster ride, not only with his pancreatis, but his weight.  I’m sure that’s not helping the situation.  I fervently pray that these three days will be the turnaround needed and that he completely recovers and can stay home where he belongs and wants to be. (((Gina/Pip)))



Thank you thank you Sue VDB! Thank you!

pug mama


So close, but yet so far, huh Hank????

Sending prayers for all the ailing puggies, that they find health and comfort soon.

Hellen Norton


Henery NO 1 watch dog (of food tht is). Bet you did a really great job!!!

Pip is in my daily prayers. I know how hard it is to have a sick pug baby.



Thank you Hellen. And Pug Mama. It is greatly appreciated.

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