Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Making the most of Monday

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

We didn’t get to do much with the pugs this weekend since we were so busy doing our holiday shopping.  So, I thought we would take advantage of Monday night and get the pugs out for some much needed exercise.  The City Center near the house puts up lots of lights for the holidays and it is always beautiful.  We hadn’t been over to see the lights this year, so I thought we would take the pugs over for a nice walk around the lake and enjoy the lights at the same time.

It was such a beautiful night out that we decided to stop and get some ice cream for us and the pugs afterwards.  Needless to say, I think the pugs enjoyed the ice cream more than the lights.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna eating ice cream

Sorry for the low quality photos, I took them with my phone.

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Such good little posers in the first picture, too busy with ice cream to pose in the second picture.  Reading your blog this morning gave me the shivers.  Ten degree weather with snow on the ground and freezing rain in the forecast does not bring visions of ice cream.



Reading this brought me jealousy….I want to walk the boys around the lake and look at pretty lights!!  Slushy, icky snow makes that a no go for us. 

But despite the jealousy, I LOVE this post.  lol That first picture is just beautiful with the three little angels!!

Happy Happy Holidays to all puggies and their families!



Well at least warm weather at Christmas is good for beautiful pug pictures. Hugs to the puppies and thanks for a lovely start to the day!

sue s


Thank you for sharing every day! I start my day by visiting with you and the pugs and despite lots to do, I can always come visit the website,get re-fueled and get back to work!



Well, we have blue skies, brilliant sunshine and 17ยบ so guess we’re just fine (Portugal). My puglet Ellie loves sun bathing although I have to time her so she doesn’t over heat!!!



This post could inspire a remake of an old holiday classic movie. But we would just eliminate all of the storyline from the original and replace it with Henry, Benjamin and Luna’s daily life.  And then we’d have “It’s a Wonderful Life” starring OBP instead of Jimmy Stewart!



My pugs would love some ice cream! Unfortunatly Clifford is a but chubby as it is so no.

Beautiful lights. What a great place to take a walk.

Peace, Love & Pugs



Ice Cream, You Scream, we all Scream for Ice Cream!  YUM-O!  Sleighbelle loves ice cream too, but when it hits her tummy, the tummy doesn’t like it! Those puggies are all about the ice cream.  What is their fav flavor?

Karen B


OBP, can we come live with you?  You seem to just have the best of everything!!!  C.J., Toeby and I would love to share your neighborhood and your lake and your weather and your ice cream and well, you get the idea!!

And as far as the pics go, those three babes of yours could never take a bad photo, ever!



I love this site.  To see that so many people, everywhere (hello Debbie in Portugal) know the joy and love of pugs!  One day we shall own the world!!!



Gosh Darn! They are so doggone cute!

Corrine - OBP


Funny you should ask what their favorite flavor is.  Around Thanksgiving they have pumpkin flavored ice cream and the pugs love it.  I was just talking to the lady at the ice cream shop last night about that grin

As for living here, I was thinking we needed to start some sort of ranch for pugs and pug lovers during the winter months here in sunny FL!



Wouldn’t that be great - we could fly in with our puglets! Although if I fly with Ellie she would have to come in the cabin with me which means she has to be under 7 kilos!! grin Are you all in the States?



Hi!!  From Nova Scotia…  sounds like a road trip!

sue s


When my grandson told us he wanted a dog for his birthday-we figured this was a typical request. He had his mind already set on a pug-a black pug and he would call her beauty-and so off we went on our quest and we found little Beauty! Then I stumbled on OBP-life has not been the same! This is ONE AWESOME SITE!! And, as I have discovered,there is no cure for PUG FEVER-Just joy & happy!Have a great Thursday!

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