Owned by Pugs

Friday, May 4, 2012

Luna’s Photo Shoot


I always knew Luna was a little diva, but I had no idea how much of a diva she really was until she got in front of Amanda's lens. I almost fell over and hit the ground when I saw how much Luna was turning on the charm.

For me, Luna is the hardest of the bunch to photograph. She is always very wiggly and she always walks right up to the camera lens. But for Amanda, Luna wasn't wiggly at all. And she was like, here get a few pics of my good side and have a showed you how cute my ears are when I do this? I was so very proud of her! She super modeled her curly tail off.

But now, I am going to have higher expectations for the little miss because she has revealed her true super model talents.


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AAWW   Look at You Miss Luna!!  Work it! Work it!!
Looks like it was awesome time in Miami! 
Happy weekend all!!  Cinco de Mayo tomorrow!



Go Luna!!
Little Miss Diva!
You are so cute!
Puggy Love, Muffles + Lala :D



oh luna you are a beautiful little starlett,love you.

Chris Matthews


It’s so funny reading your descriptions of the photoshoots.  I described my experiences with Amanda the same way as did pretty much everyone out there on the internet.  We are all proud stage moms!  Dying to see any shots of all our south florida pugs!

mary castagnoli


LUNA:  You are a natural star.  And HENRY was so dignified - quit the pug about town.  As for B-B-B-BENNY - always the charmer.  Hope you’re all up for dipping your paws in ink when the book comes out.  I know all your fans will want “signed” copies!!!



I have to admit, Luna is always my favorite (now don’t get upset boys) but Luna is Luna through and through.  When you have a ‘demented diva’ like Abby, you appreciate a true, pure diva like Luna.

Mary - ‘dipping your paws in ink’ - funny.  I can see it now.



I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Looney Tunes, I love you. You are a sweet little girl and a perfect diva. Sometimes my Bella reminds me of you. (Maybe b/c her middle name is Luna!)

Pug Hugs to all from Bella Luna & me!

Jennifer Moulton


Oh Luna, you are such a charmer!  Can’t wait to see how the pictures turn out!



Luna knows how to work it she may be a diva but she is also so precious
Hope everyone has a great weekend

Sue VDB and Annie


Does Princess Luna know how to pose, or does she know how to pose?  I thought Benjamin and Henry were awesome…but Miss Luna takes the prize.

Hellen Norton


Oh sweet Luna you showed all how a diva works it! Great job little one!

I have a new camera to use getting close ups of Dakato…how ever so far most of them are of her sleeping on my bed! She moves to fast when she is up and around!

pug mama


Aw, Luna, you definitely won me over with your perfection in front of Nikon.  Hope you’re not telling momma that she has the wrong camera to bring out your good side babe!



The Divine Miss Luna does all of her “aunts” proud!

(Corrine, is it okay if I named myself an aunt?)

sue states


Since I am just a little behind-got to say Seeing Ms.Luna Diva and Henry & Benny strutin their good pug stuff-they are awesome pictures of them getting their pictures. Pug hugs from the Colorado 4

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