Owned by Pugs

Monday, June 29, 2009

Luna’s Eye Follow-up


Luna got to go on a field trip to the eye vet last week for a re-check of the obstructed gland in her eyelid. I was feeling fairly confident that they would not have to drain the gland because it had greatly reduced in size since we started her on the prescribed medication. However, the bump was not 100% gone so I was unsure what they were going to say about that.

Luna's eye doc was pleased with Luna's progress and suggested that we up the NeoPolyDex drops that she gets in that eye from every other day to twice a day. Easy enough. We will do that and in 4-5 weeks Luna gets to go back to see how things are doing.

The only difficult thing has been remembering the new drop schedule. Luna has been on her current schedule for a little over a year now so breaking our routine has been a bit tricky.

Here is Luna's new drop schedule:

  • Tacrolimus: 1 drop both eyes, twice a day
  • Cyclosporine: 1 drop in the left eye once a day
  • NeoPolyDex: 1 drop in the left eye every other day, 1 drop in the right eye twice a day
  • Genteal Ointment: At least one drop in the right eye each day. May administer whenever the right eye is looking dry.

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Great news for Little Luna smile  My Ellie had so many eye meds at one point that I had to create a check off sheet to keep track of it all.  It worked well.  So glad to hear the good news for Miss Luna!



Look at that pretty peeper Miss Luna…So happy to hear you got good news!  My Baxter endures a similar schedule of eye meds so he’s sending you extra pug kisses from one ‘patient’ to another!  Great job pretty girl!



Corrine, Andi and Heather, you are all superior pug moms.  I admire all of you pug moms and I can see where you have to have a flow chart to make sure all the eye meds are properly administered.  I have been and am extremely fortunate to have had and have no eye problems with any of my sweet puggies.  Great news for little Luna, even if it adjusts your routine schedule Corrine, and that is a beautiful picture of Luna.



We know the eye drop schedule all too well - it looks scarily familiar to ours!  In fact, we have 3 of the 4 drops in our routine already! I don’t know how your pups are with taking drops, but we have issues with them shaking right afterward and throwing the liquid out of their eyes.  However, if we put them on the countertop they aren’t as apt to shake right afterward. Good luck!!



Gracious! I’m cross-eyed just reading that eye drop schedule…! You’re magnificent!

Karen B


Wow…I hope and pray that’s not what I have to look forward to!  C.J. and Toeby are young so I’m hoping they won’t develop eye problems but it almost sounds like that’s yet another pug problem that you can’t completely avoid!

OBP, are there any precautions that can be taken to help avoid problems?



Thank you for your sweet words Sue VDB…All of us pug mommas (and dads) will always do whatever these bundles of love need!  Even if spreadsheets are required!  grin



My goodness Corrine, you’re amazing.

I have a hard time just remembering the monthly heartworm and frontline for my three.

Luna, you’re a trooper, and you look beautiful dahling!



Sue VDB, I must say thank you too for your kind words.  Just like everybody else, I just love my pugs (and everybody else’s too) smile  I’m sure I was put on this earth to be a pug mom and foster mom!  And yes, spreadsheets are my friends smile



wow what a schedule, I admire all of you that have to do tings like this everyday.  So far, Mr. Skittles doesn’t need anything like this.



Holy Moly! That’s a lot to remember!
But you must be doing a great job of it because her eyes looks wonderful!
Keep up the good work!



I would have to have that written down and taped to the fridge! That is crazy, so glad her gland is going down… hope it disappears altogether on it’s own.

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