Owned by Pugs

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Luna Update


We received the much anticipated lab work results for Luna. The results confirm that it is neither the worst case scenario, nor is it the best case scenario.

Essentially, there were no cell types generally associated with cancer in Luna's urine. However, that does not rule out cancer. It just means that she does not have a tumor that is shedding cells (worst case scenario).

Also, there was no bacteria found in Luna's urine. So that rules out the possibility that a high concentration of Clavamox resistant bacteria was causing the problem (best case scenario).

So we really don't have a diagnosis yet. It could still be an infection or it could be a bladder tumor.

Luna has been on Clavamox for about 6 days now and it is only in the last few days that we have noticed less blood in her urine. If it was an infection the Clavamox should have cleared up the blood in her urine sooner, but the fact that it is clearing up now is a encouraging sign to me at least. Better late than never, in my opinion.

So, where do we go from here? The lab work results have been sent to a specialist and they are going to read the results and offer their opinion on how we should proceed. After the first round of antibiotics are complete, Luna will have another sonogram to check out her bladder to see how it looks. A needle biopsy of the inflamed area is the best bet to figure out exactly what we are dealing with, but that is not without risks.

For now we are waiting to hear what the specialist has to say and invading Luna's privacy at her every potty break by examining her urine. I'll be sure to keep you updated.

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Poor little Luna. Can’t have NO privacy. I’ve been through this with dogs, cats and horses. Not my favorite thing but you do what you have to for your “kids”. Hope things turn out for the best.

Minnie and Mack


Hugs and kisses and lots of puggie juju to little Luna.

Your friends,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario



Still sending out lots of love, hugs & well wishes for Looney smile Keep strong Corrine, shes a little fighter xx



Love you so much little Luna!  You are always in my thoughts!



Miss Luna and family, pug hug and prayers are sent your way for favorable test results.
OBP gang will rally with love and prayers xoxox

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


All OBPers need is a little hope, which we now have, and we can take it to the bank.  Hang on Sweetie and forgive the intrusions.  As everyone has heard at least one time in their life, it is for your own good.  We love you Looney Tunes as you can tell by all the positive vibes swarming all around you, lifting you up.  Now your family Corrine, Grammy, G-ma, your pug sitters, and us can breath easier for awhile always thinking positive thoughts to help.  Love you little girl.

Janice, Two Pugs and a Boxer Mix


Here’s hoping and praying that the infection was just a little slow responding to the antibiotic and Luna is well on the way to recovery.  Pugs and kisses.  We know Benny and Henry are taking good care of their sister.  She is so precious to all of us.



Thoughts and prayers to you Luna and your family.



Ok Looney~only a little sigh of relief but still being cautious. Praying that the infection is a stubborn one and the clavimox will eventually clear it up. Still sending prayers and good thoughts your way Corrine. We all love you so much Luna! God Bless.

Pug Hugs from Bella & me!



Aww, sweet Luna - hoping you feel better soon!



I am hoping the clavimox finally kicks in I know this must be hard on you Corrine and your husband sending hugs to sweet Luna

mary castagnoli


I’m taking this news as: so far, so good.  Luna’s system could have been resistant to the antibiotic at first - maybe she has had uti’s prior to your rescue of her and there’s been some scar tissue built up in this area that added to the bleeding problem.  I think I would be apt to ix-nay the needle biopsy, as it just seems like it would be disruptive in this area.  This is NOT the opinion of a medically-trained vetinary, however, and you should take it as comment, only; and feel free to completely disregard.

My Bella has had her fair share of uti’s - this year being GREAT as she’s only had one since Spring/Summer began (when she’s most prone for some reason).  But it became so normal for me to follow her around the yard with an old glass Pyrex bowl - ready to shove it beneath her legs as the moment she popped a squat, that she found it an amusing addition to her morning potty and was most obliging.  I still maintain a colleciton of empty vitamin bottles for transport purposes.
Back to LUNA:  My prayers will continue for her to rid herself of this what-ever-it-is and SOON.  Meanwhile, I’m pasting today’s picture of her sweet, sweet face as my computer screensaver - the more convenient for targeting Blessings upon her.

Steve Lindhurst


Thrilled at the news, and even more hopeful.  Continuing prayers, they can work better than any medicine.



Aw poor baby we will keep the prayers going hope she will get well soon lots of hugs being sent to her.



Still praying non stop!  This is a beautiful picture of our girl!!  Baxter is on clavamox right now too Looney. So here’s hoping its all you need!!  Love you precious girl!

Jenna Moulton


Oh Corrine, I’m sending all the good juju I can muster and will have Jadey do a “get well soon Luna” dance! (Looks like the treat dance, surprisingly!)  Our thoughts are with you and the kids!  Keep pee peering:)

Hellen Norton


Dear Luna….all Grainnie Pug can think to do is leave you in Gods hands….Love you sweet one.

PS: God is using your family to make the choices for you!



Sweet little girl—hugs and prayers you get better.

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Mary, that was so picturesque of you, a pyrex bowl and Bella.  Oh, what we do for our furbabies.

Luna, feel better soon Pumpkin.  This is just a bad dream that will be ending soon.  We are thinking so hard for your health and all if it beyond positive.  Betcha didn’t know how important you are and how many followers you have praying for you or sending positive vibes although you may have an inkling just from the number of comments on Monday’s post.

Hang in there, Corrine.



Mary~Hilarious! Although I collect vintage pyrex pieces so I’m hoping it isn’t anything of value! Although holding pug pee is pretty special! smile  hee hee!

Praying Luna! Love you baby girl!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Praying the specialist comes up with a solution that will allow quick healing for this precious baby girl.

Julie L.


We love you, Luna!!



Be strong, Luna!

pug mama


Sending prayers and puggie snuggles your way!  Hang in there Luna smile

Yaron Peled


Dream world is a world where the impossible becomes possible and what is not logical becomes practical. You sick little handsome

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