Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Luna on the Go


Last week, Luna went in for one of her maintenance laser treatments. Taking just Luna to the vet is almost an enjoyable task. (I say almost because the less vet trips the better)

When its time to go, Luna patiently waits for me to lift her into the car and buckle her in. When its just her, she gets to ride shotgun. She knows its a treat to get to ride up front.

There is usually no wait or a very little wait when we get to the vet. But either way, Luna is a good girl in the waiting room and minds her p's & q's. And on the way home, she is usually tuckered out and sleeps all the way home.

If only it was that easy when we take all 3 to the vet.

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Luna you are such a princess as you light up up our hearts here.



Pretty Luna, just you and Momma.  Special treat, one on one time smile

Sue VDB and Annie


Luna, you are absolutely precios.  I have a feeling you thoroughy enjoy alone time with Mama, and after your laser therapy I know exactly how relaxed you are.

mary castagnoli


Luna - You make a wonderful co-pilot and travel companion.  Bet that front seat all to yourself makes the vet trip so much sweeter for you as well.

Huckle + Swamp Pugs, Abby, Gracie + Georgie


She looks all set.  She’s got her soda, she’s got her jacket AND she’s up front in the van. And, did you say ice cream afterward?

Georgie had a vet visit yesterday (he spent the long weekend coughing, but not the horrible “goose-honking” coughing, just a ‘can’t clear the throat’ cough, and the vet kept promising Georgie that I would take him to the ice cream store just down the street because he was being so good (Georgie, not the vet).



Girls Day Out for Luna and Mama.  Luna, I’m sure they roll out the red carpet for you wherever you go. Tell Mama you want a Happy Meal after your appointment.



Oh Looney! I love you so! You are such a sweet girl and probably very happy to spend one on one time with Mama. Lovely little girl.

Huckle~you made me almost spit out my coffee! “Georgie, not the vet.” So funny!! How is he doing today? (Georgie, not the vet.) wink

Sue VDB~ How is Minnie doing?

Pug Hugs to all from Bell, Susie Dog & me.



Luna looks very pleased to have one on one time with mama even if its to go to the vets
once again thanks for my mourning chuckle Huckle

Hellen Norton


Oh Luna…sweet and beautiful as always! Know you really enjoyed the alone time with Mom!



Ok…  What happened with the suitcase?? (from yesterday)  Someone going somewhere or someone coming to visit??  Suspense is killing me lol



Pretty in pink!!!!

Thinking of Georgie, Minnie, and all.

Luna you are my ‘pug daughter’ Ive never had in my heart!  Love you perfect Puggie!

sue states


A total “mommy & me” moment. Such a good girl and yes-oh so pretty,too. pug hugs from pastor sue & the colorado 2



Luna you sure are a beautiful little girl.

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