Monday, July 1, 2013
Luna Latest
We received the test results for Luna's airway wash and the biopsy for the two spots removed on her side. The two bumps removed from her side were benign. Yay!
The culture from the airway wash showed signs of bacteria. So we have started Luna on a round of antibiotics to see if we can clear that up. I don't think the antibiotics are going to cure Luna's cough but hopefully it will get us on the right track.
Later this week, Luna will go to the vet to have the stitches removed from her side. The funny thing is that it appears that Luna has almost as much hair growth on the patch that they had to shave for her biopsy as Benny does on the shaved spot on his back from the testing he had months ago.
Minnie, Mack and Mario
So glad to hear that the biopsy was benign! Such good news. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick that bacteria and get Luna back on track.
Lots of puggie juju for Luna!
Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario