Owned by Pugs

Friday, June 28, 2013

Luna & Friends


From the looks of this picture you probably think that we posed Luna with the gargoyle statue. Nope! Sitting with this statue was all Luna's idea. She walked up to it and plopped down next to it just like she does when she hangs out with Henry.

Luna and Henry

Let's not tell Benny that the gargoyle statue may be ahead of him on Luna's preferred friends to hang out with list. wink

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I am not so sure the gargoyle and Luna don’t share some physical characteristics although it might be a stretch.  And then, the tilt of Luna’s head always makes her look so inquisitive, as if she’s just asked a question and is waiting for the answer. I don’t think she’s going to get any answer from Henry who looks grumpy-bumpy.

Enjoy your weekend, kids!



Needing some prayers for Baxter…momma’s intuition is telling me there’s something very bad going on inside his head. There were those couple of seizure episodes that seemed to stop a couple weeks ago. But last night, well more like 3 this morning, things were not right. It wasn’t seizures but his whole head was trembling…he was panting and very not ok.  He’s been awesome otherwise, all things very good actually, but I have a gut feeling that just tells me…

Anyway, we’ll be heading to the vet…



Sweet Looney Tunes. Huckle~I love ‘grumpy bumpy’ and it will now be used as part of my regular vocabulary.

Heather~prayers going up right now. Please keep us posted!



Heather I am praying all goes well at the vet please keep us up dated after you see the vet sending you and Baxter a pug hug

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Heather, you and Baxter on in my prayers.  Please let us know when you can what is going on.  You know you can turn to us.

Luna, I really don’t think Benny is too upset about your preferences.  I don’t think Henry was being grumpy bumpy (good term Huckle), just enjoying his sunshine.

Hellen Norton


Sweet Luna, love your new friend!!!!!

Hope the boys do not get 2 upset!



Heather, it goes without saying that intense prayers are heading your way.  I close my eyes and picture Baxter whole and happy again as I’m praying.  There is a whole bunch of us sending a virtual hug and offering support. Please know we are anxious to hear from you. 

Pug hug ((( )))  We are here.

Steve Lindhurst


Ms. Heather,
    My prayers, too, are still heading your way.  And try to turn that “gut feeling” in the other direction.  I will pray hard for Baxter, and you too.

    I thought that was a real dog (critter, devil-dog?) behind Luna.  But just for a few seconds.  Then I got better.



Henry really looks like a Zen dog there.

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