Owned by Pugs

Monday, January 4, 2010

Luna’s Eye Checkup

Luna at the eye vet

Last week Luna went in for her eye checkup. It had been almost a year since her last visit and up until about two weeks ago her eyes were doing great. The last two weeks we noticed that her tear production in her right eye was pretty much nonexistent. When she went in for her checkup, the tear test confirmed what we already knew when it registered a zero for tear production in her right eye. On a good note, the tear production in her left eye was outstanding.

That is pretty much how the visit went. All good news for her left eye, all bad news for her right eye. The one good thing, although this isn't really a good thing, is that she has so much scar tissue built up on her right eye, that it being dry does not cause her much discomfort.

Even though she is not in much discomfort, we switched up her drop schedule for her right eye to see if we can get her back to the point of producing tears. We added two new medicines and completely changed up the schedule for her right eye. Her left eye drop schedule remains the same. Needless to say, I had to create a new spreadsheet to keep it all straight.

We go back in a month to see if the new drops are doing any good.

Luna took it all in stride. I think her biggest gripe is that she got stuck with the cat room again. As you can see, all the pictures in her exam room were of cats. She much prefers the dog room grin

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sue s


Lil Luna looks like she is thinking-“Hasn’t ANYONE Here noticed I’ma Pug-NOT a CAT!!!” Hope the change in eye drop regime helps your eye-sweet girl! Pug-hugs from the COlorado 3



Luna’s such a little trooper!  She even endured the dreaded cat room!

But seriously, I hope the new drops help her tear production.  She’s such a sweetie-pie : )



Here’s praying the new eye drop schedule works.  Honestly Corrine, with all the puggy problems I don’t know how you keep up with the hectic schedule you have.  You honestly are a super pug mommy and testimony to the happy puggies.



Poor Luna! Hopefully the medicine will help her right eye. Fingers crossed!!



Luna looks so cute sitting on the chair at the vets I am glad the left eye is doing good hope the meds work on her right eye how is solsy doing hope every one had a great weekend heather just wanted to let you know my thoughts are with you



Hey Doc, I may only have one eye with tear production, BUT…I can see those darn cats on the wall!  But me in the dog room…STAT!



Little Luna you are so cute!  I’m glad you had good news for your left eye.  And hopefully, the new meds and schedule will improve your right eye!  Sweet, little girl smile



I love all the posts.  I love yours Sleighbelle as I was thinking something similar! 
Luna:  Like I can still see , people!
Hello, I am in the cat room!

Hopefully the new meds will work quickly on her right eye.

Hope everyone had a healthy new year.
Reading the posts from the last few days got me a bit teary eyed.  I am such a softie, especially when it comes to puggies!

Karen B


It’s okay, Luna!  Cats aren’t that bad, are they? 
Here’s New Year hopes for all our beloved puggies (and kitties too) that we have a happy, healthy 2010.

Mary M.


Sweet little Luna - here’s hoping the new eye drop schedule helps her start producing tears in that right eye.  Corrine, you are amazing - especially seeing that you need to make a spreadsheet to keep all these meds straight!!
    I’ve been a faithful OBP follower for two years now and always love dropping in to see how your gang is doing.
    New Year’s blessings to your entire clan.    Also, prayers and good thoughts to Heather as she deals with the loss of her sweet Riley.



she looks a little tiffed,poor luna quite a pretty girl glad that her check-up went okay and that it can be managed.Hello to the gang.



Miss Luna out shines all of those cats!  She looks so sweet here.



Good luck to Luna with the new meds.  I’m a first time pug owner and the similarities they have crack me up.  My Bella is never on the floor at the vet’s office (just like Luna on the chair)she knows the chairs are for her.  The dogs look at one another and she gets in a chair and looks at the humans????

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