Monday, January 4, 2010
Luna’s Eye Checkup
Last week Luna went in for her eye checkup. It had been almost a year since her last visit and up until about two weeks ago her eyes were doing great. The last two weeks we noticed that her tear production in her right eye was pretty much nonexistent. When she went in for her checkup, the tear test confirmed what we already knew when it registered a zero for tear production in her right eye. On a good note, the tear production in her left eye was outstanding.
That is pretty much how the visit went. All good news for her left eye, all bad news for her right eye. The one good thing, although this isn't really a good thing, is that she has so much scar tissue built up on her right eye, that it being dry does not cause her much discomfort.
Even though she is not in much discomfort, we switched up her drop schedule for her right eye to see if we can get her back to the point of producing tears. We added two new medicines and completely changed up the schedule for her right eye. Her left eye drop schedule remains the same. Needless to say, I had to create a new spreadsheet to keep it all straight.
We go back in a month to see if the new drops are doing any good.
Luna took it all in stride. I think her biggest gripe is that she got stuck with the cat room again. As you can see, all the pictures in her exam room were of cats. She much prefers the dog room
sue s
Lil Luna looks like she is thinking-“Hasn’t ANYONE Here noticed I’ma Pug-NOT a CAT!!!” Hope the change in eye drop regime helps your eye-sweet girl! Pug-hugs from the COlorado 3