Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Luna just started a dose of steroids and she is suffering from a severe case of roid induced hunger pangs. I don't think I have discussed Luna's recent health issues much on the blog - mainly because denial sometimes is wonderful place.

A few months ago, Luna was "unofficially" diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. I say unofficially because we have not gone through the full battery of tests needed to make the diagnosis official. Essentially, Luna is suffering from many of the symptoms and we have ruled out pretty much all the other possibilities, so we are going to treat her accordingly and see if she improves.

Luna's main symptoms are a nasty cough and labored breathing. We have experienced quite a few different coughs around here with Sol and Benny, but Luna's cough is very different. It's like a cough mixed with a sneeze and a wheeze. Not the same goose type honk that Solsey suffered from.

To treat her condition, Luna went on a pill to help her breathing and a diuretic. That combo of meds worked very well for her the last few months. The frequency of her cough was severely reduced. Her breathing was still labored, but not quite as labored as before. All that changed last week, when Luna's pesky cough came back nastier than ever.

We took Luna in to the vet and had a chest x-ray done in the hopes that it was some sort of upper respiratory infection (not great, but certainly better than the alternative). The chest x-rays showed that Luna's lungs looked clear, so the respiratory infection was ruled out. We started Luna on a round of steroids in hopes that it would clear up her cough. If it does, chances are she will need to remain on the steroids long term. This is not ideal. However, as the vet described things to us, this really is the lesser of two evils.

In addition, Luna has also started on a special prescription food that is meant to be very kidney friendly. Luna's last two blood tests have revealed that her BUN is on the high side and is on the rise. Hopefully, the special diet with help lower her BUN levels to a normal level.

Through all this, Luna has proven time and time again that she is tougher than nails. We have to keep a close eye on her because she never really lets her discomfort show. Our vet explained to us the pulmonary hypertension can be very uncomfortable. It seems like no matter what is stacked against her, little Luna just keeps on trucking.

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Sending lots o’ puggie juju Luna’s way!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario



Wishing that wonderful, tough little pug the very best! Luna will be in our prayers!



Aww..sweet precious baby.  St. Francis will be heavily petitioned on your behalf. I thought when I saw the red pet bed that Corrine had been let loose again and we could tease.  If only!  Smooches on your precious noggin, Looney.

Janice, 2 Pugs and a Boxer Mix


Luna knows that you can’t keep a good girl down.  You take care of yourself and we are claiming for you a full recovery.



Awww, precious baby! Sending love and prayers that all will go well with the meds.

xoxo   Patty

Mary M.


Sending prayers and good thoughs for sweet Luna.  We know you are a tough little cookie;  hang in there, little girl!



Oh Luna. My heart and tummy hurts for you. I will send up prayers for you and send love and healing vibes your way. Keep on truckin’ like your Mama says! We all love you so much Looney Tunes!



OMGosh.  Writing this with tears in my eyes. For Luna, sweet, adorable Luna. And for her human family.  I pray that this little girl bounces back.  Sounds like you and the vet are doing everything possible to help her get better and in the meantime, keep her comfortable.  Extra big kisses and hugs going to the OBP family.






Hoping the meds do the trick also sending healing prayers fro precious Luna



You really are a trooper Luna!  I hope you’re not too uncomfortable and happy thoughts for you that you’ll be feeling better soon.  Someone has to keep the boys in line!

Steve Lindhurst


You’re right, she’s a trooper, been through the mill, been rode hard and put up wet and she still marches on.  Bless her heart, she’s in my prayers even more, now.  She’s a shining example for our dogs (1 Pug).

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Luna, you are definitely in my prayers to St. Francis.  I hate that you have to be on prednisone, but also glad it is helping. 

Kisses to you from Sue and Annie Fannie.  ♥♥

Hellen Norton


Oh Luna..adding you to my puggie prayers.



Sending pug hugs and prayerz your way, hope all will be well xo



Looney looney always a cutie. Thinking of the OBP family xx



Oh Luna, I am sorry that you have this problem!  I’ll keep you in my prayers, too.

Love you lots!
Martha and Bennie



sending warm and caring hugs your way my poor baby girl.



Oh goodness reading this post sent me through a wave of emotions.
My Daisy girl suffered from a very similar situation and all the steroids did was weaken her immune system.  Did the vet tell you they would do that? Daisy was on a hefty round of steroids and when her cough came back with a vengeance the vet upped her steroid intake.  Needless to say her immune system was shot and things did not turn out well in our case.

I still can’t talk much about it but I just wanted you to know that in my honest, been there, opinion steroids are not the lesser of the evils.

I’m a long time blog reader but get caught up in the everyday hustle & bustle of life and do not get to comment often.

Knew I should today though

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