Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Luna and Henry Approved

Luna and Henry

We bought a new duvet for the bed and no sooner did we put it on the bed, Luna and Henry were wanting to get up on the bed to check out their new threads. They sniffed around a bit, but then settled in giving it their seal of approval.

Since the pugs sleep on the bed, we have always opted for a duvet over a comforter because it is so much easer to wash. And with 3 pugs sleeping in the bed, let me tell you, that duvet gets a lot of washing!

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HeeHee   Luna and Henry approved! 
“Hey Ma! This one is just as comfy as the other one!  Nice colors!!  smile

pug mama


Nice choice!  Luna and Henry complement the yellow, black, and grey nicely!

Sue States


LOL! Glad the gang approved. AND they blend nicely with the colors,too. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



I like the colors as well.  But colors don’t matter if the pugs didn’t like it, it would have to be returned! Pugs Rule!!



I love how it looks like they are smiling. smile



Very nice!  But of course it matters what the pugs think most, right! 

I need a duvet.  I’m tired of washing my bedspread so often!

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