Owned by Pugs

Friday, March 16, 2012



This was the scene last Friday before I got home from work. Everyday, when I pull into the driveway, I see little Looney's face peering through the glass. Warms my heart and makes me sad at the same time. They don't come much more loyal than Luna.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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aw how very sweet i would go in and pick her up and shower her with kisses.Luna you are that ray of sunshine that warms our hearts.Hugs and smooches to you sweet babe.

Minnie and Mack


What a beautiful picture!

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



What a sweet picture of Luna waiting for her mommy to come home.  When I was working, my husband would tell me that about 10 minutes before I arrived home, Bo Peep would wait by the door, and he swore she knew when my car was coming down the street because she would get excited and he knew I was almost home.

Love those babies.

mary castagnoli


I still haven’t figured out what goes on in my Bella’s head:  she rarely comes to the door to greet me - but waits on the back of the couch where she sleeps while I’m at work - and then jumps down onto the ottoman for me to give her a hug and kiss once I’ve come into the living room.  I don’t know if that’s what she thinks she’s expected to do (not move from the couch while I’m gone)- or if she likes to play hard to get because I’ve left her alone.  When she was a puppy, she stayed in her kennel which was in the living room and had to wait until I came in and let her out once I got home - so maybe it’s a carryover from that.  But I’ve tried calling her from the back door as I come in, we’ve had numerous discussions (she and I), and the rare occasions where she has surprised me at the door, I’ve sung her praises for hours afterwards (and I KNOW she understands THAT!)
So - LA LUNA’S picture really warms my heart and makes me envious at her obvious devotion to you, CORRINE.  That kind of puppy-love can’t be trained.



They are so loyal… it warms my heart.
Mr.Skittles waits for me also, and my husband says he goes silly just before I get home, like he hears the car coming down the road!
Sue hope Romeo is feeling better, and you had he had an aweome nap yesterday!  xo
Happy weekend to all.

mary castagnoli


HUCKLE:  Just read about GEORGIE’S good recovery.  Such a relief for you-all (and especially for GEO!)

SUE VDB:  I’m so hopeful you get some equally good news about ROMEO today.  May he be dubbed “The Turn-Around Kid” and all his good chi and resilient spirit pull him through this.  I know I’M pulling for HIM!!  God Bless and Extra Vigilance from St. Francis.



A lovely picture of Darling Luna to frame and hang on the wall.

Sue VDB; thank you for filling me in about Romeo. I’m sorry for him and sorry for you. It is never easy to go through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
A day early…......Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!



What an adorable picture of little loving Luna..She is the sweetest little pug..



Oh Little Luna~ what a sweetheart. You look darling sitting there.

Bella sits and waits too. Last night I went to a friend’s house for a jewelry party and got home around 9ish and my husband said that she heard my car and started crying. He said I took to long to get into the house.

I saw a news program like 20/20 or Dateline or something like that where they did a study on how dogs know when their ‘people’ are coming home. And not even after work where they could get used to the time of day but if they run errands or something (people not the dogs) smile They set up a camera in this couple’s home and the dog watched them leave and then laid down for a nap. Well about 10 minutes before they came home, the dog sat up and went and sat by the window. And then boom, the couple came home. It was like he knew. They did this with a few dogs and they all did the same thing. I think dogs are amazing.

Enough rambling.

Extra prayers for Romeo and Georgie.

Sue~ how is Cuddles doing?

Happy St. Patricks day everyone.

Pug Hugs from Bella & me



Oh, that reminds me, Green Beer tomorrow!  How could they make a disgusting drink even more disgusting?

Thanks Mary.  I am so grateful for Georgie’s recovery and am not taking it lightly.  Every day’s a gift.

My husband says that Abby watches the door from the minute I leave until I come back (I think he just wants me to feel guilty for spending “his” money).  The only time she moves is when my car gets onto our street.  They have such fantastic hearing and can discern certain car engine sounds from far away.

Gina, in Sean’s case he may be trying to guilt trip you too.

SUE VDB,  More smooches from my three and me (Cooper’s on his own).  You are not far from my thoughts.

sue, how is Cuddles doing?  Would your vet go along with the shot Georgie got?  I’m wondering if that would help his breathing?

Top of the morning to you all tomorrow!

Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs



I commented earlier but received that dumb message that I was not authorized.

I commented that was a very sweet picture of Luna, and I’ll bet she knew what time to begin watching for her mommie to come home. 

When I was still working, George told me that 10 minutes before I came home, Bo Peep would begin watching, and when my car turned onto our street, she was on high alert, and waiting for me as soon as I opened the door. How can you not love that.

No word yet on Romeo, but he is acting more like himself, just his breathing is a little compromised, but the meds seem to calm down the sneezing.  I love my Romeo.



this is such a cute picture of Luna waiting for her mommy its funny how they know my son told me my gang sit at the door every night right around the time I get home from work
Cuddles is doing good only has a cough once in awhile but I had a bad scare on tuesday with Toby my black pug he was outside when he came in he threw up five times when I looked at his face it was all swollen up you could barely see his eyes I rushed him to the vet she gave him a shot and rubed alchol on his pads as he had a fever and she said it would help cool him down she thinks he got stung by a bee and had a allergic reaction he was on some meds also for two days the swelling has come down but now he has some little pink bumps around his mouth
Hope everyone has a great weekend

pug mama


Little Looney, Loyal indeed! 

Sue VDB, still praying for your Romeo.  Give him a kiss from me. 

Little Lily is growing by leaps and bounds, she is next to me on the sofa right now munching on her rawhide.  Potty training is another story, she seems to be quite thickheaded about the whole business.  She is funny, funny, funny, and FRIENDLY!!!  She hasn’t met too many dogs, but people, she thinks everybody is on this earth to rub her belly and have their fingers chewed on.  We’re working on that chewing thing, but teething babies have to teeth, good thing she likes rawhide.  Well, that is the update about Lily.  Sorry I have been so absent, I’ve had lots going on. 

Love to all the people Owned by Pugs!!!



sue, glad to hear Cuddles is doing better, and Toby is recovering as well.  These things are so scary.  They can sure give us a lot of grief, but that’s because we love them so much.



Being loved by a dog is one of the best things in life!  This picture of her is heartwarming ♥

Sue VBD, I’ve been thinking and praying for you and Romeo.  And awaiting the results.

I am also glad to hear Cuddles and Toby are coming along.

Hellen Norton


Sweet Luna waiting for Mom to come home. Hope she gives you extra kisses when you greet her.

Pug Mom pug babies are just like children….one day
they fit in your hands….the next they are full grown.

Happy Romeo may be taking a turn for the best!

Cuddles and Toby just what did you get into?



how precious, my puggsie boy does this for me as well.  Grandma says he starts watching for me every night around 4 and won’t budge from his spot until he sees my car and then he just goes bonkers and cries and howls like someone is just killing him and then he races over to my lap on the stairs when I come in the house and gives me hugs and hugs and kisses before rolling over for his welcome home belly rub.



sue, Oh how awful for Toby and scary for you.  Now you’ll have to be on bee alert and I can’t imagine how one would handle that.  Best of the morning to you, Toby and Cuddles.  What a relief that breathing is easier for her.  Hearing them breathing hard and goose-honking just tears at your heart, doesn’t it.

Pug Mama, Lily sounds like a prize (except for….you know…).

Sarah, what a cute picture (if you don’t have to hear it) of him waiting by the door and then going ‘pug bonkers’.

It’s the belly rub, kids.  A new training tool!

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