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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Looney’s Home


Late last week, we got to bring Luna home. She now joins Benjamin, Sol and Lou C.

Luna and Benjamin

We made sure to put Benjamin's puffy with him and thought it would be fitting to put one of Luna's favorite chewy sticks with her. These are the chew treats that she would bark for each night. While I'm sure Luna appreciates our gesture, I know she is a bit perturbed we gave her a brown chewy stick. The red ones were her favorite. If we tried to give her any other color she would smell it and refuse to take the treat that was not of her liking with a look on her face that said, "Get the good stuff!" Inevitably we would crack and retrieve a red colored stick. She would then trot off happily into the living room to enjoy her treat.

So, Looney, I'm sorry this isn't a red chewy stick. But you ate all the red ones little one.

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This is sooo touching, it just breaks my heart…. hugs to all of you xoxo



Looney, be proud you didn’t leave a red stick to be found!  Missing and loving you feisty girl <3

sue wooding


this made me cry I am glad Luna is home when I lost Cuddles and Jasper it brought some comfort to me when I got them back home

Roberta and coco


Still can’t believe it!! Thinking about u everyday!

tessa, Wally and Little P


Sending virtual hugs your way.

Beth Lauters


So sad for us, but I’m sure Luna is running free and enjoying red chew sticks all day long at the rainbow bridge. Thinking of you and how heavy your hearts are… I just can’t even imagine. Peace.

Sue VDB and Annnie Fannie


Having Looney back home where she belongs is of comfort.  I’m sure she knows there were no more red chewey sticks and she is ok that you at least remembered her love for her sticks.

Welcome home baby girl.



This hurts my stomach. I’m so sorry and still praying. Glad she is home though. Another little figurine should be arriving soon. God Bless you all.

Brenda Cooper


I know it is comforting to have Luna home . Such a tiny little thing that meant so much to so many people. Good thoughts and prayers still coming your way.

Brenda Cooper


P.s. thank you all for prayers for Genevieve.  I really appreciate them.



I am glad Luna is home, and I think it is very, very moving what you have done.

I didn’t know Luna preferred/demanded the red sticks, and I absolutely love Heather’s comment!



I SO SO SO loved revisiting the chewy stick picture of beautiful Looney…missing her and Benny!



Luna and Benny are both home with their OBP family—-you all are always in our thoughts
and prayers.  Take Care.

Lisa Gibson


Good thoughts coming your way.
Missing little pictures of Luna.

pug mama


Missing u Looney girl.  Glad you are home with your family <3



I’m glad she’s home smile

Sue States


Special place for a special lady-still hard to believe as it must be for you,even more so. Love your tribute and prayers continuing for comfort. Welcome back home little lady, welcome home-you have been sorely missed. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

M and Bugsy's mom, Marynell


My heart is breaking for you!! I can’t imagine losing Benny and Luna so close together!!  So glad they are home where they belong.  Pug hugs and special snackies for Hank and the whole family!




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