Owned by Pugs

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Long Few Days


Last friday we took Benny to the vet because he was having some back trouble. Our vet recommended that we take Benny to the specialist to have things checked out. We got an appointment with the specialist for Monday and we had our initial exam / consultation. They wanted to do a CT Scan and myelogram the same day, but they had a few emergencies so they asked us to bring Benny back on Tuesday. We dropped Benny off bright and early on Tuesday morning to have his CT scan. However, they had another emergency surgery and Benny was not able to get his CT scan done. So, we needed to bring Benny back on Wednesday. By this point, Benny was quite perturbed because he had gone 3 days without any breakfast!

Ben finally had the CT scan yesterday and we received some interesting results. Don't worry. Emergency back surgery is not in his near future. I will go into all the details in another post, but for now, we are happy to have Benny back home. And Benny is very happy that he will get to eat breakfast tomorrow.

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Poor guy, so glad surgery isn’t in his near future.  Hope he enjoys his breakfast today!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario



Oh Benny… no breakkie for 3 mornings.. I too would be a bit perturbed if I couldn’t get my breafast.
Glad to hear everything is ok, looking forward reading about your adventures at the Vet!



Handsomest Benny, I am thinking of you sweet love. I hope all is ok in your lil body!!  BONE appetite this morning!!!!!

Julie L.


We love you, Benny and family.  Glad the news is good.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Breakfast at last!!!  Three days in a row iwithout breakfast s enough to make anyone grumpy, let alone a sweet pug. 

Waiting to hear the results.



Aww… poor Benny. Hope all is well and you get to have your breakfast tomorrow.  Hugs from NJ…  Patty



Separate a pug from his breakfast?  Once, twice, three times????  Lucky for mom that Benny has a forgiving heart.  Oh yeah, and mom?  Can I have Mon, Tues, and Wed breakfast added to my Thurs breakfast?  That would be so groovy!!!!



Lots of prayers for Baby Benny. He is so sweet. And I think he likes Sleighbelle’s idea. Please put Mon, Tues and Wed’s breakfast with Thursday’s breakfast. mmm k… thanks so much. smile 

Pug Hugs to ya’ll from Bella, Susie dog the doxie and me.



glad to hear no surgery for Benny I am sure he was not to happy about no breakfeast three mornings in a row but I am sure he made up for it

Jenna Moulton


Oh Benjamin, why you make your family worry so?  you are so lucky to have humans who love you and will do anything for your smushy, luscious wrinkles!  Kisses and smooches from your NH Friends.

And hey, your back may hurt, but the Ravens won, so that must have made you feel good for a few days!



I don’t blame him for looking a bit disgruntled…is life without meals a life?  Sleighbelle has the right idea though.  Could water therapy of some sort help your back?  Vet suggested it for Georgie for some of his ills except that no one around here has that ability to offer it, but it might help Benny?  I was asking about strengthening exercises for Georgie’s mobility problems.  Oh Benny, we care so much about you.  Be careful, little man.

Georgie had vet appointment today to check on his bladder polyp.  It is shrinking but will need watching from here on in.  Considering what that exam entails, you can imagine how happy Georgie is about that.

I discovered the other night that Gracie can be “cow-tipped”.  For those of you not in the Midwest nor familiar with farming, “cow-tipping” is achieved when someone sneaks up on a sleeping cow standing in a field.  Supposedly just pushing on the cow will land it on the ground still locked in it’s standing position.  And so, without meaning to, I “cow-tipped” Gracie as I was trying to reclaim more of my pillow one night.  Whether or not “cow-tipping” really works on cows, I attest to the fact that it does work on Pugs, at least, one Pug I know.

Mary M.


King Benny, Lord of the Pillow Pile, demands that he be fed breakfast this morning!  So sweet!

Steve Lindhurst


How can one tell when a dog, specifically, a pug has back problems. What kind of symptoms show up?  This stuff scares the mess out of me because at my age, 59, I am still not fluent in dogspeak, much less Pugspeak.



Huckle, “pug-tipping”!!!  Very funny!



Happy to hear no surgery for Benny in the near future.
Hugs to you Benny, Henry and Luna.

Hellen Norton


Benny so happy things are allright for now!!!

Me loves going to the vet….nothing every wrong withs me but do love the treat!

Have to go get my nails trimmed…..Grams cannot do it because her cannot hold a playing puggie!!!!

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