Owned by Pugs

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Little Looney

Benjamin and Luna

Not a fantastic picture, but I love shots that show how much smaller Luna is than the boys. Luna is small in stature, but she is big on personality and sass! I guess it is true what they say, looks can be deceiving.

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I’ve always said that Miss Luna is full of sassy.  She is so adorable, and I would love to see her in action.  I would also love to cuddle with her.  You go Looney baby.



I’m with Sue VDB, I want a Looney snuggle too!!  (and Hank and Benjamin for that matter!!!).

I was not around yesterday and boy did I miss my OBP friends.  How adorable are the 3 all together on their big puffy pillow?!  Cuteness overload!

Sue VDB:  Sounds like Romeo is on the road to total recovery with these new treatments.  What a lucky puggy to have such a resourceful momma!

Pug Mama:  Prayers continue for Abby.  My Baxter will be 14 the day after Christmas and I know how we worry about our seniors so!  They are strong, though, and I know Abby will kick this cough to the curb!

Gina:  Thinking of you my friend…hopefully you got something in your mailbox from RI!

Love and snorts to all!!!

Heather, Baxter, and the Mr. Cole!

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


Luna puts the Sass in Sassafrass!  She is a little bundle of energetic love!  And though her wrinkles aren’t quite the velvety yum that Benny’s appear to be, she is one pfine pug!



Luna might be small in size but not in spirit or attitude she is one very special puggie



I love how they are sitting exactly the same way. Sort of like a mirror reflection. And she is tiny but full of sass! Smooches to you Looney Tunes! And your brother too!

How did Romeo and Abby do last night ladies? I hope really well.

Heather ~ oooo I have to check my mailbox! I can’t wait! You all are too sweet!

Hugs and love to you all!

sue states


Little girl-big sweetie! Beauty compared to her son Bubba-I wonder how something THAT big came from something THAT small! AMAZING. Pug hugs from the colorado 4



Great things come in small packages!!!

Hellen Norton


Oh how I enjoy pictures of the gang!!! Little Luna and her brothers are so sweet together!!!

Got to my new baby on the phone today. They were getting ready to have her microchipt (know it is spelled wrong) She “talks” great.

Plan to keep her name as is because we all thin it is different and sweet.



How exciting for you Hellen.  I know you were thrilled.  Bless Pug Hearts for being so responsive and keeping you in close contact with Dakotal.



That should be Dakota.



So happy for you Hellen! Dakota is a beautiful name! Hugs to you!



Hello everyone. I have received so many wonderful cards and emails from so many people regarding Pip. I wanted to share on with all of you b/c I think you all will appreciate it as much as I do. When Pip was at the vet, as you all know, he was there from 8 in the morning until 7 at night for about 3 weeks. While he was there, there was a cat that was there even overnight for the same time that Pip was there. I received a card from the cat’s Mom today. This is what it said:

“To Pippin’s family,
I’m so sorry for your loss. My cat came to Mobile Animal (the vet’s) at about the same time as Pippin so I was able to see him many times as I sat with Noel. (Her cat) He was such a sweet soul and the techs just loved him. I know how heart breaking it is to have a seriously ill pet so my thoughts and prayers go out to you. You couldn’t see his halo or wings, but your little dog was an angel in a fur coat. Bless you.” And then she signed her name.

How amazing is that! People are so nice. I just wanted to share it with everyone b/c it meant so much to me and so do all of you and I knew you all would appreciate it too.

Hugs to you all!



Sass and Luna sure fit together…Cupid and Henry must be off somewhere hiding from Miss Sassy.

Gina, I think not only did Pip make an impression with the cat people, you must have also.



What a sweet card from Noel’s mama.  I agree, that says tons about you and Pip.  That is a card to be cherished.  (((((Gina)))))



Received a request via facebook to pray for Jazzy D’Pug.  She was hit by a car today and suffered a broken pelvis and bleeding in the chest.  I don’t know Jazzy, but it breaks my heart to hear something like this and I knew I could count on my OBP friends to pray for her recovery.



I was thinking the exact same thing Sleighbelle said, so I’ll just say ditto.

And Sue, I’ll be praying for Jazzy, so please pass that along on fb.  You might as well tell her OBP will produce a lot of prayers for Jazzy, because I know it will.  I’m also very, very happy about Romeo’s improvement. 

Hellen, I’m so thrilled for you and Dakota!  I’m sure Dakota is very eager to be in your arms (probably wearing something spiffy you’ve croched for her!)

Gina, you’re sweet to share that lovely note with us.  I think it’s very heartwarming to hear about the response sweet Pip got from people.  People are kind and good and loving, but we don’t always hear about it.  Through you sharing about little Pip, we ARE hearing it!  Thank you ♥

Lilo N me


Oh Miss Luna, proof that great things come in small packages!!

Gina, that is so sweet of Noel’s family thought of you that way.  Truly great people you meet all for the love of our little furballs.

Sue absolutely adding Jazzy to the prayer list.  Poor dear. 

Lilo’s greatest punishment and admonishment ever came this summer as she ran to the busy street near my house at rush hour and refused to come. (she knows her commands, she refuses to listen). I was like a crazy lady out in the street.

Half an hour she spent in her house.  I know people say that their house should be their safe place, not for punishment.  It is Lilo’s safe place, and she knows that, and trust me after that episode it was the safest place for her at the time! Lol I even told her she was going to be in her house for half an hour.  She didn’t make a peep for 29 minutes.  Who says they can’t tell time?  Afterwards we always come out and she says sorry to me and we hug it out. (i learned that from Supernanny and the naughty chair) smile



Martha, as soon as I finished posting here about Jazzy, I posted on facebook that I requested prayers for Jazzy and I knew all of you would respond.

I’ve also been told she has a spinal injury as well.  Poor baby is really struggling.

To all of you, if you need prayers for your babies, in addition to us, facebook has a site called Pug Prayerz.  Look it up. It is a great site and I have posted before for Romeo.



Sending tons of prayers for Jazzy-D. How scary and sad. Those poor people and pugger!

Gwen ~ How scary for Lilo to do that. I’m sure they can tell time too!

I’m glad you all enjoyed that card from Noel’s Mom too.



Unable to post last night.  Jazzy to be transferred to a specialty vet this morning…have heard nothing new, except she also has a spinal injury.  Poor baby, hope the pain meds are doing their job.



Sending prayers to Jazzy, hope all will be well ((xo))
Hope everyone has a safe weekend, so much to do this close to christmas ... a trip to vet isn’t on anyone’s list.  Take care ~



Heather~ Thank you so much for the card. It is beautiful and I appreciate it so much. Thank you, thank you! Hugs and love to you and your puggies!



Martha ~ Thank you so much for your card. I love the card! Beautiful. Everything you said is so touching. I feel so much love and support from my OBP family. Love and hugs to you!



Just received word on Jazzy D’Pug.  CT shows definite spinal injury. She is in surgery to see if they can fix her spine.  More prayers needed.

sue states


Sending prayers for Jazzy-please Lord, help this fur baby to recovery. Prayers & pug hugs from the colorado 3 & Pastor Sue



You’re so very welcome, Gina.



Tons of prayers for Jazzy right now. God bless her.



Heather ~ would you mind if I asked for your email address? If you would rather not give it out, I understand. Thank you though. smile



Just received an update on Jazzy.  The vet was able to fix her spine, but the next 48 hours are critical for her.  If you want, you can go to her page, Jazzy D’Pug.  There is an auction to help cover her extensive medical expenses.  Prayers are also appreciated, and you have been awesome. Like I said earlier, I don’t know her or her parents, but when somelthing like this happens, we all hurt.



First of all, thank you Corrine for allowing me to post on Jazzy D’Pug.  You are very kind.

Just received an update from her daddy.  He was with her all morning and she is doing well.  She has a titanium rod in her back, and if she continues, she will go home Monday.  It will be some time before they will know if she can walk. She has a long road to recovery, but being home will help her immensely I’m sure. 

I have let her daddy know about you fantastic people.  Our prayers plus all the other prayers, healing thoughts, and love will go a long way.

Thank you lovely people.



Thank you Sue VDB for keep us updated on Jazzy. Such wonderful news. I will continue praying.



sending lots of prayers for Jazzy and good thoughtsher way



sending lots of prayers for Jazzy and good thoughtsher way



I want to live in a world where bad things don’t happen to pugs.  Prayers, of course for dear Jazzy. I think all that positiveness helps.

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