Owned by Pugs

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Little Beggars

Henry and Luna

None of the pugs like sit on the tile floor in the kitchen, so they always pick a rug. In this case, the rug by the stove was closest to the yummy smell coming from the counter and Luna didn't want to take a seat further away. So, she just nudged her way onto the rug and told her big bro to move on over!

Sitting side by side you can really notice the size difference between Henry and Luna. Henry is sorta slouching in this picture and he is still a head taller than Luna. What Luna lacks in size she makes up for in feistiness.

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I loooove this picture!

Luna is such a petite little thang…

Hope you got a taste little loves!



Luna is definitely a mini-pug.  I know she’s small but I forget how small until I see her next to her brothers.

Gina, a.m. news says Nebraska had a bit of wind yesterday. Did you ‘sail’ through without incident?



There is little doubt who rules the roost!! Luna rocks!  Little girls are the best.  While their big brothers come in a very close second!!  Hope these cuties got some yummies. And where’s Benny?



Love this picture Luna is so small My Emma is ths smallest of my six but boy she lets everyone know she is the boss even the two boxers



She really is so small. What a sweet pea. And I want to know too if they got a bite of whatever they were smelling.

It was stormy last night! Rain, lightening and thunder and a bit of wind. Nothing too major around here. We were able to batten down the hatches and stay put! Phew!



I think Luna has no problem making up for her size because she doesn’t know she’s tiny.  She thinks she’s large and in charge!

Hellen Norton


Big Brother had better watch out!!! Luna may be small BUT if she is like my Dakota…..she is faster and can grab and run!!!



Aww… Luna really is tiny,isn’t she?  You don’t really see it until she is next to one of her brothers. She may be small, but we all know who is boss!  Go Luna!  grin

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