Owned by Pugs

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Space Shuttle Endeavour

Last night Space Shuttle Endeavour blasted into space and we were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of it as it headed into space.  To me, being able to watch the shuttle launches from your driveway, is one of the really cool things about living in Central Florida.  Sure, it isn’t as exciting as being at Kennedy Space Center, but with all the launches that get scrubbed by NASA it is pretty cool to be able to walk outside of your house with 30 seconds left in the countdown and see the shuttle go up.

The pugs had no idea that the space shuttle was going up and they starred at me from the door wondering what in the world I was doing standing in the driveway pointing that thing that normally points at them up to the sky.

Space Shuttle Endeavour

Space Shuttle Endeavour

Space Shuttle Endeavour

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Wow, that would be awesome.  My brother would love that smile



Very Cool!

Last month or so we had a shuttle land at Edwards, here in So. Cal. and we felt the sonic booms when they entered the atmosphere. 

I love the shuttle stuff!

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