Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Let’s Go Shopping!

Henry and Luna

Since Benjamin's passing, we have been trying to help the pugs's spirits. Since Henry has been down in the dumps and Luna's been extra feisty, we figured we should do something that would appeal to them both.

We know Henry loves car rides, but, anywhere we take them must be well air conditioned, so we opted to go to the pet store! This got them out of the house, got Henry a car ride and gave Luna some mental stimulation that she has so desperately needed.


We let them pick out some chewies and even gave them a little push in a little buggy. There was literally a little buggy there! They had a child sized shopping cart. This was perfect for Luna. Since we didn't trust her to be smart enough not to jump out of it we didn't leave her in there for long. Just long enough for the photo opportunity.

Oddly enough the area of the pet store they enjoyed the most was the fish department! Luna wanted to bring home a pet of her own and she even promised to feed it and take care of it and love it but we vetoed her choice of what to buy. Sorry Looney, you are going to have to pick out some non-living item to bring home. So, she picked a variety pack of compressed rawhide and seemed content with that.

Meanwhile, Henry was more looking for where he could "leave something" instead of "pick up something" if you know what I mean. smile

He got so excited that we had to take him outside so he could leave behind some bodily fluids and solids instead of making a deposit inside the store. There's Henry! Keeping up what once was a Benny only tradition! Attaboy, Hank!

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Gotta love shopping with “da kids”, somebody;s always goota go use the facilities!!! 
Looks like a great time was had by all!



Henry and Luna are so cute!  And it looks like they had a great time.  Retail therapy always works for me smile

sue wooding


Corrine this cracked me up about Henry my Abby does the same thing I have to walk her before we go in anywhere other wise she wants to leave a present it looks like Henry and Luna had fun Luna is so cute in the small carriage

Julie L.


<3 ! And the blog and the family go on, in their new form.  Glad you all had a good, airconditioned adventure to lift your spirits.

Mary M


This is such a wonderful post!  It is so great to see Henry and Luna so happy and smiling!  And I LOVE the tiny shopping cart!!



This reminds me of the time hubby, daughter and I took our pug Angel to Petsmart.  Angel had done her “business” before we got in the car to go there so I wasn’t worried she would go in the store.

So we walk into the store and start looking around, then I notice Angel did a “solid” on the floor.  I look around, both hubby and daughter were gone!  Imagine my embarrassment!  lol

I walked up to the cashier and asked for paper towels to clean it up, and she told me it was ok, pets do it all the time!



Love this.  The family that poops together, stays together!  Sleighbelle never left anything at Petsmart, but I did see employees cleaning up other oopsies!



So glad to see everyone getting some ‘retail therapy’. It’s a ‘new normal’. I’m sure Benny was there in spirit. God Bless you all.

brenda in texas


Oh it’s a puggy buggy. How cute. We live too far out in the boonies to take our pups shopping but the occasional trip to the vet is 25 miles and that seems to wear all of us out. Hope your little family is doing well. I know its one day at a time right now. Love and prayers from central Texas.

pug mama


Good to know the pugs and their humans are finding entertainment in their days, despite a very big puggy hole in the whole picture.  I have been away on vacation, so I am just catching up with the very touching posts this week.  I just teared up watching Cupid give a head bump and sniff to Benny’s wooden box.  And Corrine, your first post this week also made me cry.  What a touching post <3

Julie L.


OK, it’s ironic.  The <3 in my post didn’t become a heart, so now it seems like a comment on the number of pugs.  True, but unintended.  (But hearts to Benny & Sol, too!)



My philosophy—“When the going gets tough—- the tough go shopping”!!!!! Glad to see
you and the pugs agree!!! Looks like a happy day for all!!!



No better pick me up than going shopping for goodies. Nothing like getting a special little something just because. Got to keep the spirits up.



Yes, a bit of retail therapy for Henry and Luna!!

Our Bennie would think Henry’s desire to “leave something” in the store made perfect sense.  I have realized that he thinks the world must know that Bennie has passed through. It’s a boy thing!

And for sweet little Looney, I think she would have done a great job of taking care of a fish!  Maybe Cupid would have been interested in helping ; )  .....well, on second thought the rawhide was probably a better choice!

Sue States


Corrine, this post lifted my spirits,too! Especially Ms.Luna in the cart & wanting to bring home a fish! And seeing Henry & Luna smiling-LOVE IT! Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



I love your stories.  I can see the love you put into each one of them.  They are like “tiny sagas”.  I love all pugs (but since I know yours a little, I am enjoying them especially well.

Thank you for taking the time to share your love and life of your pugs.



Just wanted to pass along that Sue VDB has broken her hip and is having surgery Friday morning.  So please keep her in your prayers.



The smiles on Hank and the Miss are infectious. I really need to reach in and smooch their precious smiley pug lips!

You all are never out of my thoughts and prayers. I know the adjustment is hard, but as someone said, “it’s a new normal” and it will be as blessed as before…just missing a larger than life boy’s presence we all long for. Miss you Baby Benny.

Oh no re: Sue VDB. Prayers going up!

Sue States


Just read the post about Sue VDB’s surgery-will keep Sue in prayer for a great & speedy recovery. Pug hugs to Sue VDB from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

Paula Fulp


Glad to see the kids looking cheery.  I’m sure it did you and them good to do a little shopping.  Been sending prayers and hugs your way.

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