Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Learning to Walk

Benny, Henry & Luna on a walk

Benny, Henry & Luna love to go on walks and I think we generally do a great job, considering hectic schedules, making sure they get their fill of walking.  During the week they go for at least one walk a day (usually a 1/2 mile).  And at least once during the week, we go for the super long walk (2 miles).  On the weekends, is when the boys and Luna get most of their exercise.  We almost always do a long walk and if the weather permits we go to the beach or a local park so they can just go have fun.

In Florida, we are lucky.  The Winter, Spring and Fall is perfect walking weather.  Summer is stifling hot and the pugs just can’t go for the usual walks during the day, so we can only get out to walk during the very early morning hours and late at night.  Pretty soon summer will be here and our walking routine will drastically change.

One of the main reasons we walk with the pugs is to keep everyone fit.  Not just the pugs but also us.  But I have to admit, that sometimes our walks are so slow that I think we might be burning more calories if we were sitting on the couch.  With two boys and a girl that marks like a boy, there are some nights that we have to stop at every tree, pole or weed that happens to be sticking out of the grass.

So last week, I had just had enough of the constant stopping on the walks, and before we left for our walk, I explained to Benjamin, Henry & Luna that once everyone had done their business, we were walking.  Every time one of them took a little detour, I just gave them a little tug on the leash to correct them.  The walk went spectacular.  I thought they were going to fight me at every turn and just pull their way to whatever they wanted to mark, but the little correction work.  And while they weren’t perfect, the walk was so much better.  We were able to settle into a nice little pace and everyone got a good little workout.

We have been walking like this for a week and I find the walks so much more enjoyable.  The funny things is I think Benjamin, Henry and Luna are enjoying them more, too.  Granted, I am no Dog Whisperer, with three perfectly behaved pugs all waking at my side, but they are doing a terrific job and their urge to mark every vertical object they see on their walk has greatly diminished.

I thought it was going to be impossible to break the boys and Luna of their bad walking habits, but it turns out, as soon as I changed my habits the pugs happily followed.  That really surprised me.  I guess you can teach old pugs new tricks.

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