Owned by Pugs

Monday, October 5, 2009

Leading the Charge

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

This is the view from behind Solsey's wheels which I must confess she doesn't like nearly as much as I had hoped. Sure, she'll take the ride, but if given the choice between the pouch and the stroller she would choose the pouch every time. Sigh.

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I love seeing Luna, Henry and Benjamin in their walking-mode!  It’s puzzling that Sol prefers the pouch, but I still think the puggy buggy is a great thing for her and you!  As we all know, pugs are generously cut, so that pouch could put a bit of stress on your back!



Look at those cuties,what a strut,sol will get use to it in time as they can be stubborn mine get mad at me if there is a change but,they get over it.We are sending hugz to your crew and a special hug for sol.



What a great picture of the fawn bunch.  Sol probably likes the up higher, personal contact of the pouch, but don’t give up on the puggy buggy just yet.



I agree with Sue VDB, it’s the personal contact that Sol must like.  Pugs like the contact with their humans… I know Mr. Skittles does.
I would really like to be on a walk and meet up with your gang…
Always in my thoughts,
your site is a great start to any day, everyday.



Oh, that Solsey is so spoiled!  I don’t blame her though.  I’d like to be a papoose too!



I recognize the daily “Pug Strut” all to well! Solsey’s pouch preference reminds me of my little Nick, who believes being on top of Mommy is always better than being merely next to her, lol. Give it some more time, I bet she’ll be loving the puggy buggy before you know it, especially if there’s a little piece of pugkin bread waiting for her inside!!



Pug Butts are the funniest way to wake up in the mornings!
Sol.. she is so cute and spoiled.. just like my dogs.
My dogs wont even come to bed at night, I have to carry them separately into my room and place them on the bed… what can ya do?



HAHA!  That is a view only a pug mom could love!



I agree that Miss Solsey likes the closeness of the pouch and can’t say I blame her!  The Fawns look splendid out on their walk!! 

(Sue VDB, thank you for your kind words over the weekend…).

Happy Fall pug walking to all!!!  Best puggie weather there is!

sue s


Yep!!Beauty certainly likes human contact-she is sleeping on MY shoulder and snoring in MY ear! Too much love! SOl will get used to the “Wheels” and realize she still can have human contact! Benny, Henry & Luna look like the 3 musketeers-opps-I mean Pugketeers! Introduced our grandson to OPB-Love at first sight!



Always have to be touching… funny little creatures.



Yup, being close to mama would always be preferred in a pugs eyes I think. I was downstairs this weekend when Marley was up, boy he did not like knowing I was so close but yet so far…

Ivy M. Andrews


Must be a female pug thing because my Wheezy is out in front of the boys on every walk.



I think she may prefer the pouch because of the closeness she feels between you and her when in it.  Pugs love to be spoiled, and I can image her saying in her head, “HA guys Mommy loves me most, see how she is carrying me?”

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