Owned by Pugs

Monday, February 25, 2013

Last Rays


Henry strategically positioning himself to catch the last little bit of sun left for the day. The boy sure does love his sunny shine!

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Me too.  Sometimes on the week-ends, I take a MORNNG nap with the pugs and the cat in a sunbeam.  Awesome!  And when it gets too warm, we follow your pup’s lead and move until only our rumps are in the beam ROFL!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


I do believe “sunny shine” makes sweet Henry happy.  Those last rays are precious.



Maybe he thinks it will increase his fur growth?



Such a smart boy. I think my Bella and Henry would be great friends, snoozing the day away in the sun!

Pug Hugs to everyone from Bella & me.



Henry you look very comfy catching the last rays of the sun



Yep!  Henry loves to bask in the sunshine!  His expression is a bit thoughtful, as if he’s gauging how much sun is left.



The rays of the sun can sure change the way you feel about a day.  BTW, I guess Kansas City isn’t in line for any sunshine today.  Just hold up Henry’s picture. Sue VDB and maybe you will feel those rays.

I was reminded last night of the silly things we do to keep our pugs happy.  As the last one in bed I deal with where the pugs have positioned themselves and try to find a comfy spot for myself.  This usually involves me on my stomach in bed, snaking my way under the covers to what ever room is left for me.  If I were on camera, it would look very silly - old people don’t snake well!  Why not just move the pugs?  Are you kidding.  These are pugs and I bow to their superiority.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Huckle, lol. The latest is our snow will be delayed but is still on the way…10-16 inches of it.  Oh joy.  I can turn on the fireplace and snuggle in front of it with Annie, Missy and Frankie…not sunny shine, but still good.  I am sure they will enjoy that.



I’m with you, Henry, it is nice to lie in the sunshine. If cats can do it, so can we!  Love your comments about the Pugs in the bed Huckle.

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