Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Lake Needwood

Lake Needwood

No trip back to MD with the boys would be complete without a stop at Lake Needwood. We took the boys to the lake all the time when we lived in MD and couldn't wait to bring them back for another visit after an 8 year hiatus.

The boys didn't remember the park from their puppy days, but they were still happy to be at such a gorgeous spot.

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

They spent a lot of time walking off trail in the grass. Luna was fascinated by the grass in MD. It is so much thinner and softer than the grass we have in FL. Luna was also curious why all the tree in MD were shedding so bad. There were leaved everywhere. In FL, Luna is used to the trees keeping their leaves.

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Corrine, I love the way you give your photos have such stories.    Yeah for
the thoughts of pugs.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Such fun times for the pugs.  Their lives are full of adventures.  Love those babies.

sue states


I can imagine Ms.Luna not knowing what to make of those silly trees shedding. It looks like a fun time was had by all. Snow falling-Solsie enjoying as if to say “finally-time to make pug snow babies!” pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



What a pretty spot!  How fun for you to see the boys there again!

sue wooding


even if they didn’t remember it looks like they had fun

pug mama


Luna, I’ll trade ya all of your palm trees for all of my maple trees that seem to never quit shedding!!!  Deal?  Great!  I’ll pack ‘em up smile

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Good one pug mama.  I will gladly do the same.

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