Owned by Pugs

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ladies Day at the Vet

Luna & Sol

On Friday, we took the girls, Luna, Sol & Cupid, to the vet for their annual exams. Each one of the girls is due for the annuals within one month of each other, so rather than making three trips to the vet I combine them all into one really big appointment.

I left the vet's office pretty much on cloud 9 because each little lady got a stellar report. The vet, the vet techs & all the staff at the vet's office were amazed at how well Sol was doing. She coughed when she first arrived, but she settled nicely in the waiting room. No one could believe that she had been out in the waiting room because they didn't hear her coughing.

While Sol was getting her exam, the vet said that it looks like we have Sol in a very good place. She looked happy & pretty healthy for her. I couldn't agree more. While this may be as good as it gets for her, I think we were both surprised that we ever got back to things being this good. I think we have a good baseline from which to judge and we will know better now when Sol isn't feeling so great.

Luna's exam went super as well. Of course here eyes aren't great, but we are doing the best we can with them. The next biggest concern for her was her dirty ears. I guess I will have to have a talk to Henry about that. We could just afford to flush her ears a bit more often. But, if that is our next biggest problem I consider us very lucky!

And Cupid got an excellent report. Next week, Cupid turns 12 and the vet said that she looks fantastic for her age. Her teeth look great and overall she is in excellent shape.

Everyone was also amused at how Cupid likes to travel to the vet. She absolutely hates cat carriers. Instead she prefers to go by leash & harness. So she has a freedom harness and a leash that we use to take her to the vet. And when she arrives at the vet she prefers to have her own chair in the waiting room. From there she peers out at her lowly subjects. Lots of other dogs excitedly rush over to greet her, but she is disinterested and unfazed. On this visit, a husky & a samoyed wanted to say hello. Their owners were amazed at how well Cupid does with dogs. I explained that she lives with four pugs. But they still thought she did well, because pugs are small dogs. I was going to explain that one of those pugs was Benny, but I thought it was best to leave it as it was.

While leaving the vet, I took a moment to soak in all the good news. It had been a while since I left there with good report. Sure, things aren't perfect, but they sure have been a lot worse than this.

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What a fabulous post to start the day!!!  Such wonderful news that all the ladies are in tip top shape!!!  Extra treats are in order to celebrate!!!  Great picture of the two puggie sisters too!



Wonderful news!!



Best news! Wonderful to hear how well all your ladies are doing. smile Makes for a happy Monday for us all, too!



Oh Corrine, I know you have a very happy heart because mine is jumping with joy.  Yea for Sol, Luna and Cupid.  Celebrate, celebrate.



P.S. Where is Cupid’s picture?

sue s


Great news to start what is usually MOANDAY-but today it’s HAPPY DAY!! Good to hear the girls are doing well-I got my blood work report back and I’m doing great for an old lady too! Maybe that’s why I relate so well to Sol! 2 grand old gals living it!!!Pug-hugs form the Colorado 3!



Awwwww, my 2 favorite ladies:D

Glad that all the babies got a gold star health wise!

I really think Luna would be the ultimate Pug cartoon character.  Those eyes!



So happy for you and “the girls”! Great news!



Way to go Luna, Sol & Cupid!  You girls keep sticking together!  So glad to hear your good report!



This is AWESOME news!  I am so glad for all three of the girls…They all deserve a little spagetti and sauce for a treat.  Much love to all the girls in the house and send some to the boys as well!



I’m with Sue VDB, I really need to see a pic of Cupid with harness and leash before I can believe it!!!

Hellen Norton


Noe we can all take a deep breath…really worrid about Sol and the rest of the garls.
Love you all, GiGi a Pug Hearts Gal



what a cute picture of the girls but where is cupids picture glad to here the girls did well on there vet check up and sol is doing well it made my monday a happy one I took my abby and annabelle in for there yearly check up in January abby is one of my pugs annabelle is my peke well I was worried she was to skinny and the vet told me she is very healthy at 18 pounds guess I was thinking she should be like the other four that are 20 pounds



This is all great news, and made me happy! 

I got a real kick out of your description of Cupid, and I wonder if Cupid has possibly decided HE owns four pugs!  And people too!

I used to have a cat, Ellie.  And taking
my little El-cat to the vet was never a happy experience for her, me or the vet….



What wonderful news!  It makes my day!

Karen B


So happy to hear the girls are doing well!! That’s wonderful news!

Girlie pugs and kitties are so lucky that they don’t have to have the human variety of physical…Ya know, PAP smear and mammies!

Love to the gang!



Wonderful news for the girls!  Little Luna and precious Sol looks so cute in the picture; but I’m with everybody else…where’s the picture of Cupid??  Way to go girls on the great reports (and mom too)!

My Annabelle had her annual eye appointment this morning.  We didn’t get as good news as we had hoped for.  Her eyes are getting worse and we’ll add a new drop to our eye med routine; add another line to the spreadsheet wink.  My little sweetpea smile



Andi, here’s hoping the new drops help your little Annabelle.  I will keep you and her in my prayers.  Sue VDB and Romeo



That is the most wonderful news as we are so happy for those girls extra special treat please- yum,love that pugkin bread hint,hint.So very happy for you give those sweet girls a hug from us way to go ladies.

Mary M.


What an adorable picture of the ladies - so happy to hear all are doing well!

Patty B.


This is super good news!  We’re so happy for all of you.



Andi hope those drops help Annabelles eyes I will say a prayer for her



That is amazing! I am so glad to hear the wonderful news!!

sue s


Hi Andi, Will keep Annabelle in our prayers,too, that the drops will work for Annabelle! Pug-hugs and puggie prayers from the Colorado 3



my pug chong has had ear trouble his whole life and weve tried every thing i never hear of flushing the ears hows that work?

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