Owned by Pugs

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ladies Day at the Vet

Luna and Sol

Last Friday, we took Sol & Luna to the vet.  Luna was going in for her annual exam and shots and Sol was going in for a thorough checkup, shots, microchipping, blood work and an overall evaluation on her current health.

Luna went first, took her shots like a champ and got a great report for annual checkup.  Her blood work came back fine, her heart sounded good and everything appeared to be in working order.  Her eyes continue to be her weak area and while they are by no means normal, we are doing the best we can to maintain her tear production and keep her vision from getting worse.  She will be going to the ophthalmologist in a about a month to get her eye checkup.

Sol was up next and she was very well behaved while on the table.  The doctor estimated her age to be between 10 - 12 years old (probably closer to the 12 end of the spectrum than the 10).  We had a complete Senior blood work panel ran for her and received her results earlier this week.  We were very relieved to find out that everything was in the normal range.  From her exam, we learned that she doesn’t have any chronic issues, just some of the normal issue that can occur with aging.  She has moderate arthritis in her hips and lower back.  We will be putting her on Synovi soft chews (the same thing that Henry takes) to help with the arthritis for now.  One day she may need to go on medication for her arthritis, but for now it is not necessary.  She has a cataract in her one eye which impacts her vision a bit (mainly depth perception).  And one of the things that hit me the hardest is that she is almost completely deaf.  I had a sneaking suspicion that she didn’t hear very well, but the vet confirmed it with a little hearing test.  She had virtually no response to the test.

She will be going in for a much needed dental in February and while under she will have the growth on her eyelid removed.  I was worried about putting her under for a dental considering her age, but the vet assured us that she has no health issues that would make putting her under for a dental troublesome.

We are very relieved to find out that Sol does not have any pressing health issues other than those associated with aging.  Her cataract is concerning, but I feel like we are very prepared to handle that issue.  Luna has taught us a thing or two about caring for eye issues and we have a very good relationship with Luna’s eye specialists.  When we take Luna in for her checkup in a month, we will take Sol and have her eyes looked at as well.  I will be relieved to have a better understanding of her current situation and I would feel more comfortable having a baseline so that we can monitor things over the coming years.

The thing that has been weighing on my mind the most is her hearing.  A deaf dog is new to me and I have been trying to digest as much information as humanly possible on the best ways to communicate with Sol and make her feel comfortable.  Its hard because my only office mates are pugs and I pretty much talk to them all day long.  Benjamin, Henry & Luna rely heavily on verbal cues and come on my whistle without fail.  Even the cat comes on my whistle - most of the time.  She is a cat after all.

My main worry is that one day she will be without two main senses - hearing and sight.  Even though her vision is not great now, it is still a huge asset for her.  Around the house, I don’t worry so much.  Everything is pretty much dog proof and she can’t really get into to much trouble.  However, I worry when taking her out for walks.  I know that Luna’s lack of vision has gotten her into trouble a few times in the past and I worry that Sol’s lack of hearing puts her at a huge disadvantage when out and about.

The good news is that these are all my worries.  Sol gets along very well.  She isn’t timid at all when on our walks and is learning to trust and take cues from the boys and Luna.

I know I am going to learn a lot from this little girl.

Oh, and if you are wondering why we are taking Sol to our vet and planning on taking her to the ophthalmologist, check this out.  Come on, you didn’t really think we weren’t going to be foster failures, did you?

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Glad to hear that Luna and Sol are basically in good health.  To hear that Sol is closer to 12 years old makes it clearer that she looks good for hee age. 

Failures - never.  Yeah Sol.

Pug(s) and Bugg


WE KNEW ITTTTTTTTT! I was so hoping that you’d adopt Sol. She is so special and has already moved me so much, what a story. Yay!



P.S.  I’m not worried about Sol’s vision and hearing problems.  The excellent parents that you are, you will learn and handle this situation quite well.  Look how nicely she has settled in.  Again, yeah Sol.  You are one lucky lil pug to have found this home.



SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THRILLED!!!  A PERFECT addition to the family!  I think Sol will be just fine no matter what challenges she faces.  I have a friend who has a totally blind hound dog and you would be amazed at how well he gets along.  His owner even taught him to “back up” from the door when my friend goes “Beep beep beep” (like the big trucks do)...it is hysterical.  In any event, Sol is going to have optimal eye care just like Luna and that will suit her just fine no matter what hearing troubles she may have…

She couldn’t have found a better forever home and I am just beyond happy that she will be a permanent part of the OBP family!!!

Love to you all and lots of puggie hugs!!!

We will celebrate the news this weekend while we celebrate Belle’s homecoming.

Andrea G.


Oh, Congratulations on adopting Sol!!!  That is so wonderful smile  I know adjusting to Sol’s lack of hearing and limited vision is worrisome, but like you said, she will teach you many things.  Dogs are able to adapt so quickly.  My Ellie had no hearing and very limited vision too, but you would have never really know from watching her smile We’re glad that little Luna had a great check up too!  Congrats again!! smile



Glad to hear that Sol is healthy. I wouldn’t worry too much about her hearing.  She has probably already learned cues from the other pugs and for you too.  Subtle cues that you don’t even realize you do yet.  I know my two hear fine and yet they still respond better to my hand signals than anything else.  They say dogs recognize those quicker than verbal commands because the human voice has different pitches and tones and volume all the time.



Congratulations on your new addition. Sol is so lucky to have this new forever home. She hit the jackpot! A friend had a totally deaf bulldog, with a hearing dog as a “sibling”, there really weren’t any problems.
You are so lucky to be blessed with four pugs. Lots of pug hugs and kisses. Thanks for sharing their lives with us. grin



Congrats! She is such an adorable thing and will be taken care of with lots of love! I new you would keep her!



Congratulations!  At first I thought “adoption pending” meant that Sol had a new home…which would be fine.  But on more careful reading, I see she’s staying, and I think that’s WONDERFUL.  She seems to fit in so well, and is loved.  I’m glad she & Luna are in good health. 

It sounds like Sol’s vision and hearing losses will be more something for you to adjust to—she’s already done that.  Three pug sibs are great guides.  I had a lab who went deaf in his later years, and it changed things for us.  He didn’t hear the silly songs I’d sing him, and I found I did talk to him less, and missed it.  Strangely, even his name kind of changed—since he couldn’t hear “Oliver,” I often called him by his later-years nickname, “Lumpy.”  Still, he adjusted gracefully, and was good with hand signals (his vision wasn’t bad).  I guess I’d often mixed hand signals with voice earlier, because that wasn’t hard for him to adjust to.  He even knew a sign for “good dog!”, and would get all waggy. 

Hurray for the OBP family! I’m glad Sol will be a regular part of the blog.



Oh yes, I also wanted to say how wonderful it is that Luna got such a great checkup as well…Sorry little Luna…in all the excitement of your new sister (wow, you must be so excited), I got carried away!!  Now there are two Queens of the Castle!  grin



Glad to hear Sol is doing well despite her hearing and vision.

Good news, there are a lot of websites on how to deal with a dog that’s deaf. I’m sure if you searched the internet, you’d find a lot of information. It’s pretty much like talking to a deaf person in that regard. Believe me, I should know, having been deaf for 25 years now.

Congrats, Sol! YOu couldn’t pick a better home if you tried! You’re lucky to live in the OBP household.

Sending You love and pug kisses to all!



Ya’ll are just wonderful pug people. Sol is
so blessed to have found your home. What a
wonderful addition to your family. Two boys
and two girls. What could be more exciting.
Reading about your gang everyday is the high
light of my workday. I just know everything
will work out great with Sol, she is a beauty. Keep up the good work, many thoughts
and prayers to your family.

Ivy M. Andrews


I’m so happy you chose to adopt Sol. That little girl couldn’t have found a better home for her golden years.



Congratulations to Sol!  She’s a lucky little pug, and now in a wonderful, and loving home!

And congratulations to everyone in her new family!  You’re adopting a special little girl who’ll add happiness to everyone’s life!



Awwww, I am so happy that you are adopting her and giving her the best forever home she could have!

She is such a precious old lady:)

Karen B


I say “YAYYYYYYY”!  I am literally stomping my feet and clapping and squealing at all of your great news!  I know that Miss Solly will be a wonderful, loving addition to your home and I really didn’t doubt for a minute that you’d adopt her (cuz I would have too!)!

Congrats!  Glad the girls are mostly healthy.  I know that you in OBP land will do whatever is needed to take the best possible care of these “Grand Dames”!

Love to all and have a GREAT weekend!



I thinking Sol and Marty should go on a date!  LOL Sol will be just fine.  She will take cues from your gang.  Remember she has a sense that is keen - SMELL.  They say when one sense goes the other get keener….she’ll be fine!

PS - Who knows…maybe she reads lips!

Darci and Abbey the Pug


Congrats to the whole OBP family!!  I was actually kind of worried if she was going to be adopted out that we might not hear anymore about her.  I think we, as readers, are all attached to your whole family!  Congrats again!!



Aww I knew it would happen!!
I don’t think her hearing will be that much of an issue, she seems to have done well so far and you didn’t know it was almost gone.
Like the above posters have said, she is learning from your guys and you.
I am glad Miss Luna’s checkup went well!



OMGosh!  Congratulations!  I don’t know who I am happier for, Sol or your family!  Like everyone else, I just knew in my heart that you would not be able to let Sol go!  I’m so happy for her—and Luna must be thrilled to have a sister…now it’s an even fight—2 boys to 2 girls!
My darling Birdy came to me almost totally deaf, and by the time she went to doggie heaven, she was totally deaf—and with some eye issues.  But she got around and along perfectly.  I think having other dogs in the house will be a great asset to Sol.
As for Birdy, I continued to talk to her as if she could hear, and I would be trying to get her to come or do something and I’d say it over and over, and then…DUH…I’d say to myself, it’s not like she can hear me!  And I agree with some of the other posters, hand signals are a great help.  Don’t stop talking to her, maybe she can hear a buzzing or feel your voice vibrations; I never wanted Birdy to think I wasn’t talking to her.  That is sort of crazy, but that is how I felt. 
Again, congrats to the entire family!



Sleighbelle, I think you have hit the nail right on the head with your statements.  I have been on cloud 9 all morning all thinking of sweet Sol and being able to live the remainder of her years in such a wonderful place with such a loving and committed family.

Karen B


Ditto, Sleighbelle! I’m with Sue VDB…Your insights are right on!



Wow!!  Congrats to all.  It is such wonderful news, and I think you knew when she first arrived how well she blended with everyone, that she had found her forever home.  Wishing you , hubby and puggies all the very best.



I was secretly hoping you’d “fail” as foster parents.  Congrats to both Sol and your family.  It is a real blessing for her to have such a great way to spend her senior years, loved and taken care of the way she deserves.  I just love a happy ending and look forward to many more posts about cute little Sol in the future.



Congratulations! That is wonderful, so happy for you AND Sol! I cannot wait till I am in the position to bring in rescues to foster(adopt)and add to my brood. : )



CONGRATULATIONS!! To the girls for coming through their exam with a clean bill of health and disease free!
But most of all for finding that you really do have enough room in your home and that great big gooshy heart of yours for another needing and loving Pug!
Sol is guarenteed to have a wonderful and fulfilling life in her forever home. And I’m sure that her brothers and sister Luna will be sure to keep a watchful eye on her.

We’re back up to 6 Pugs in our home. Our foster, Willie, looks like he’ll be staying with us and not going back to his mom. She didn’t want him back following the divorce. And Max was dumped in my co-workers front yard. After checking the lost and found ads, and the shelter he determined that he was abandoned and gave him to me. He’s a good looking and healthy adult black Pug. He goes to the vet for a check up and neuter next Friday.
My husband says 6 is enough….until the next one comes along grin



This is truly a happy day for OBPland.  Congratulations Stacey and especially for Willie and Max. Hopefully throughout the entire land more pugs are finding this to be a happy day for them.



What wonderful news to come home to!  We just returned, tonight, from a marvelous Caribbean cruise and right after I spent several hours getting my ten days worth of pugs and licks and kisses from Rocky, Adrian and Gulliver, I went online to see what’s going on with my Florida Pug family.  I, also, am not a bit surprised - I knew it was love at first sight when you met Sol.  I’m so happy for you all and I’m sure that Baby Benny, Henry, and Luna are just thrilled to have a new forever sister to love and of course, it goes without saying, that Sol has found utter joy and contentment with her new, wonderful family.  Congrats to all!

Corrine - OBP


Thanks everyone for the well wishes and support!  We are so lucky to have four wonderful pugs, an outgoing kitty and wonderful pug lover friends that check in with us!

Patty - Glad you had a great vacation!



I’m in tears. I’m so happy for all of you. You are wonderful pug parents. Welcome home Sol.

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