Owned by Pugs

Friday, April 25, 2008


On Sunday, we gave the pugs their first ever knucklebones.  In the past I have shied away from knucklebones in favor of rib bones because the rib bones seem like they are a better size for the pugs and have a lot less gunk on them.  But on Sunday, they were out of rib bones so I settled for the knucklebones.  Plus, secretly, I had always wanted to see what Benjamin, Henry & Luna’s reaction would be to the size of these massive treats.

Needless to say they were more than pleased with the knucklebones.  In fact, they were wondering why I had been buying them those tiny little rib bones when they had knucklebones all along.

The funniest part of watching them eat the bones was listening to the noises they made.  They snorted, grunted, sighed and made all kinds of sounds trying to clean off the bones.  I got a little bit of Henry on video going to town on his knucklebone.  Turn the sound up and you’ll hear all the noise he was making.  Notice how even the cat was interested in getting a smell.

I only let the pugs chew the bones for about an hour every few days.  Henry actually gets a little less time because he is a much more effective chewer.  I don’t want them to overdo it.  There is a lot of gunk on those bones and much to their chagrin I think they should pace themselves.

Have a good weekend everyone!

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Ha!  It’s the size of his head!!!  There’s nothing better than puggie noises!  Happy Weekend to all!!!



What a life!  You have 4 lucky babies! grin

But I have to ask… do you ever face any aggression issues when dealing with ribs/knucklebones (either between pugs or when “ending” their session)?

Corrine - OBP


The pugs are very good about letting me take away their bones.  Benny showed a little aggression to me when he was very, very young once when I got near one of his bones.  So from then on I started taking away their bones for a couple of minutes and then giving them back.  Just to remind them who is really in charge.

Sometimes Benjamin will go off the deep end and growl at Luna or Henry if they get to close.  And I have had occasion where there is a bone in the middle of the floor and Benny is in one chair and Henry is in the other and they growl at each other because they are both too lazy to get up and get the bone.  In situations like that neither one gets the bone.

There have been tiffs here and there but we have never really had any major aggression issues.



Please forgive my ignorance, but just how do you serve these delectable knuckle bones to the Pugs.  Are they cooked, or are they raw?  If cooked, how do you prepare them?  Rocky and Adrian have never had the joy of experiencing them, but I’m sure they’d just freak out over ‘em.

Corrine - OBP


Patty,  I think they are boiled, but like most things I buy them all ready to go.  I get them at Publix, which is popular grocery store here in FL.  They are generally on an end cap near the meats and the brand of them is Butcher Bones.  Next time I pickup one I will take a better look at the label and let you know what they say.

I have seen similar bones in the meat case, but, like you, I have no idea how to prepare them.  Anyone out there know what you do with them?



I was going to ask, too. It looked raw in the video. So it’s actually cooked?



I was always told as far as beef bones go, never to cook or bake them as it makes the bone brittle and can splinter.  I’ve always heard to feed them raw. Which concerns me because I am leery of giving Lola raw meat.  Plus right now she is entirely too small for one of those. Haha…it’d be as big as her body.  I do use the stuffed femur bones from Petsmart.  She likes those.



Thanks, OBP!  That knuckle bone that Henry’s eating looks and sounds so good, I’m thinking of trying one myself.  Although, maybe not raw…mmmm..maybe not at all.  He does look and sound like he’s found the “motherload” and there’s nothing like a satisfied Pug. I’m going to look around for them next week.  Today was teeth cleaning at the vet’s and they’re both high as kites still feeling the effects of the anesthesia.  I’m just getting my laughs watching Rocky try to lift his leg without tilting and falling over!!!

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