Owned by Pugs

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Huckle mentioned in the comments that one of her pugs can not take Theophylline because it makes them jittery. That reminds me of a funny story, well funny now, that I would like to share.

On Christmas day last year Benny had a serious case of the jitters. He couldn't settle, was panting and acting totally out of character. He was giving us a pretty good scare and I was thinking that we might have to spend part of Christmas day at the emergency vet.

Our first thoughts were that he got into something that he wasn't supposed to. We had a houseful of family so our routine was off, but everyone is really good about making sure they don't leave anything around that the pugs could get in to.

I was replaying every second of the day in my head and then it hit me - I gave Benny Luna's breathing pill!

Luna gets her breathing pill tucked inside a biljac treat. Even though the boys don't get a pill, they get a treat. As I was replaying things, I remember accidentally giving Benny Luna's treat. Suddenly, things were making a lot more sense. One of the side effects of Luna's medicine is jitteriness. Sol suffered from this a bit, but not too bad, Luna has absolutely no signs of the jitters whatsoever. And, well, now we know that Benny will never be able to take Theophylline because that boy was a mess all day!

Once we knew what was wrong with him we couldn't help but chuckle because Benny probably has 10 pounds on Luna and her dose of the medicine was wreaking havoc on his system. We have always said that Benny is very sensitive and once again he proved it.

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Ooooh, my poor Benny!!!  I love you buddy!!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


It must be worse for a dog to get these jitters.  I once ordered a large coffee drink at a local restaurant and had the jitters all day long from it, so I know how uncomfortable that can be. 

One good thing, and hopefully not, but should Benny need some type of this med, you already know it is not tolerable.



Jittery pugs can be scary—-poor sensitive Benny!  Speaking of meds, Meiling was just prescribed for a cough———Azithromycin and Hydrocodone ——- her reaction to both has not been good. Anybody had experience with these meds? Thanks in advance——everyone’s input is always so helpful!



OK, if this goes through, you’re going to think I’m nuts since I already got this on the other pug post, but I thought I’d try once more.  I don’t like to be defeated and a post that won’t post drives me nuts.

Awww, poor Benny.  Like Sue VDB said, it must be awful for a pet when you figure what an excess of something like coffee gets into our bloodstream and bounces us off the wall.  Benny looks like he’s saying “Quit doing that stuff to me, ma”.

Nancy, I haven’t had experience with those two drugs for coughs but will ask the vet the next time I take Georgie (it’s always Georgie) in since coughing seems to be a large issue with him.  You might try a pug forum, i.e. pugs (dot) com, to see if someone has used it.  Just a thought.



That must have been so scarey for you Corrine I am glad you figured it out and Benny was ok
Huckle I have a question for you what meds does Georgie take for his cough? Cuddles is on four different ones and don’t really seem to be helping him I think its time to change them

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Nancy, if Meiling is having bad reactions to her meds, I hope you have immediately contacted your vet before something bad happens.  That is nothing to mess with.



Huckle—Thanks for the suggestion.

Sue—Thanks for the concern.  It was an emergency vet that prescribed the meds so we have an appointment with our regular vet. Meiling vomited up the antibiotic and got spacey from the Hydrocodone so I stopped both of them.  In the meantime, all Meiling’s bloodwork and chest x-ray came back normal, but she is still coughing.



Wow, Corrine!  A houseful of family ON Christmas Day AND a jittery Benjamin!  It’s good you were able to figure it out before having to go to the emergency vet! 

I hope everyone’s cherished dogs improve with their problems ♥



oh no, a jitter pug!!!  Baby Benny you are a cutie xo

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