Owned by Pugs

Monday, October 19, 2009

It’s like playing with the box of a new toy


Henry had a blast the other day playing tug with one of the throw rugs in the house. A few years ago, he received on of those "rippable" toys that velcro together. His was a beach ball and the ball was divided into four or five slices. When all the slices were velcroed together it formed a beach ball. Henry loved tearing the ball apart and then playing with each of the individual slices. All that remains of the beach ball now is one lone slice. Henry was playing with it the other day and it velcroed itself to the rug and he had a good old time trying to get the slice unstuck.

He shook, he pulled, he gnawed. He had more fun with the slice stuck to the rug then he had ever had with the beach ball itself.




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Oh Henry, you are so sweet…still looking like such a young pup in these pics!!!  Looks like a blast!

sue s


Hnery just looks so determined! And having such pug-fun! Hope you had a blast-Henry ole boy!Pug-hugs from the COlorado 3-Beauty, Daisey & me. P.S>-Did the rug survive?



Too funny!  He is so cute!  I love the shake picture.  What a cutie you are Henry!!!



Who knew that just one slice of a beach ball could be so much fun…and what a challenge.  You are having too much fun sweet Henry.



Henry is such a classic (and classy) pug.  He knows how to have fun!  My favorite pic is the one with his head in a blur!



The look on Henry’s face on that first picture is classic.  Looks like he’s thinking: “ok, am I in trouble for velcroing to the rug?”

Karen B


Henry, enjoy your little “slice of Heaven”!  Looks like too much fun!



good one Sleighbelle, and how true!!  Am I in trouble?  nah, mom’s too busy with the clicky thing!!



That is so adorable! Reminds me of when I bought Indy that set of squirrels that you stick in the ‘tree trunk’. Well INdy loved that thing, pulling them out and killing the squirrels. When we got Gus, he was mad about that tree trunk, i think it only last a week afetr that but it was so funny.. it was the most ignored part of the set. smile



It’s like “who me”,what a cutie boy he’s like my buggy as he does that shakes things sometimes they go sailing.

LOL… ok you know the feeling people get from nails on a chalkboard? I get that feeling BAD when I hear Velcro. (FYI to add insult to injury… it was invented on my birthday!) Anyways, even the word Velcro makes my skin crawl and gives me an icky feeling in my head… it’s hard to explain. But Henry- I endure the Velcro ickyness because it is overshadowed by your INSANE CUTENESS!!!!!!!!
-S, D & H’s Mom



Hmm… If I do remember correctly from past blogs, I think it was a Watermelon Rip ‘Em :D
No beach ball. Hehe.

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