Owned by Pugs

Friday, September 7, 2007

It’s Back!

The pugs and pumpkin bread

Benny got a text message last weekend from Bob Evans that read “Pumpkin bread is back!”  Well, needless to say, Benjamin was ecstatic and he couldn’t wait until we went to Bob Evans and brought him home a slice of pumpkin bread.  Never ones to disappoint we went to Bob Evans earlier this week and brought home the pugs some pumpkin bread.  They loved it!

It was also a good opportunity to test little Luna.  We have been trying to teach her the “leave it” command and so far she has picked things up rather quickly.  However, we have never tempted her with something as tasty as pumpkin bread before.  So we put a piece of pumpkin bread on the floor for each pug and told them to leave it.  Luna was antsy, but she did not take her piece until she was told.  I was very proud of her!

Leave It

That is the really great thing about training little Luna.  She learns very quickly and is very eager to please.  Henry was the same way as a pup except he wasn’t quite so eager to please.  Benjamin was a nightmare.  He was eager to please, but he was always so excited that he never had a clue what was going on.  However, once Benny learns something, he will never forget it.  It just takes awhile for him to catch on.

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We’re working on Leave It with Angel. For the most part she’s got it, but lately she’s made it a game to dig around and find the loads of gum in our neighborhood only to wait for us to say “Leave it” before dropping it. It’s a work in progress…at least she’s not eating the gum anymore!



My Tyson only knows sit & lay down. He learned those so well that if I even look like I’m getting a treat he’ll automatically sit down. I never even thought of teaching him “leave it”. I will have to try that.



I think your kids are remarkable!  I’m very impressed. We spent $400, hired a trainer, and all Rocky and Adrian learned to do was to sit for a carrot! I gave up.



Henrys face in the second picture is adorable!!

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