Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It must have been opposite day

Henry, Luna, Benjamin

Whenever I am in the kitchen, the pugs keep a very close eye on me.  After all, the kitchen is where we like to keep that chilly thing with doors that seems to have a never ending supply of turkey.

It just so happened that on this night the pugs aligned and they watched over my every move in formation.  What is amusing, though, is they are in reverse order.  Usually, Henry is the one playing it cool laying on the pillow and Benny is leading the charge up front.

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You have an endless supply of turkey?  Sweet!



“Please mum,  may I have some more?”

“MORE??  We haven’t had ANYTHING, yet!

Please open the chilly thing with doors..  pleeeze?”



You so make me want to get a little brother or sister for Nico!

Great perspective on this shot.



I love the way Bennie watches me.  It must be triple-sweet having three!



“ok guys, here’s the deal.  If we change up the order of us, it will wig mom out and she will likely open that chilly thing and just leave the doors wide open.  Then it’s ours, all ours!” Insert evil pug giggle here!



Tic Tac Toe…three in a row!  Cute!



hee, hee, Christina.  You beat me to that one. lol

With all the heat lately and no a/c on downstairs, Biscuit’s love of the chilly thing stems more from feeling the chill.  He loves to stick his head in whenever I open the fridge.  Rascal doesn’t seem to notice.



I know what you mean…my pugs see me starting to cook and suddenly they’re GLUED to my feet…!



Mom, we don’t see the chilly thing with doors open.  Aren’t you forgetting something?  Please Mom, pay attention here.

Karen B


C.J. and Toeby are either right between my feet or somewhere VERY close by when I’m in the kitchen.  If I open the freezer, C.J. goes into panic mode and MUST HAVE an ice cube!!  If they hear the deli drawer open, they both panic and MUST HAVE cheese!!!!  Toeby spins and howls and C.J. runs and jumps and leaps!  They are both food crazy, I’ve decided!



Pugs are totally food-driven!  If Sleighbelle is sound asleep, and I get up to go get a drink, just a drink mind you, she is at my feet, looking in the fridge.  I’m telling her, “it’s just a drink”, but she does not believe me.
When I’m cooking…oh my gosh, I spend more time stepping around/over her than cooking.  Cause she just KNOWS that some yummy is going to drop to the floor.  I mean, I enjoy the company, but come on!!!



Mm cold turkey.. sign me up!
Well mayeb they thought if they mixed things up it would throw you off? smile

Gus is horrible, always in my feet and in my way! Indy is off to the side, she has manners.. smile And she knows if something falls and Gus gets it first I always give her a piece anyways!



Sounds like a video subject to me Karen. grin



I like the way you coordinated your furniture and carpet colors to match the pugs grin

We used to have a dark brown leather couch but it’s fawn/apricot now (ooopss).

Karen B


Carla,  I know it’s crazy but I don’t own a video camera!  I guess I could put it on my phone video though, huh?I really should try. Every Sunday I make the boys a piece of toast and that really gets ‘em going!!



There was a lady on Jeopardy yesterday who talked about how without consciously doing it, she decorated her family room to coordinate with her cat.  I thought I’d love to re-do my whole family room in pug.  After all, pugs have very chic colors!



Best Things in life Come in 3’s



Henry: Benny you look really pathetic today - why don’t you sit up front and pour it on thick. Luna - you look cute as ever so just stay like that and I’ll hold up the end by being suave as usual…I KNOW we will break her down and then WE will be in control of that chilly thing as well as that darn CLICKY THING!! LOL!
Christina - My guys are the same (daddy has threatened to gate them out of the kitchen!) I literally am straddling one or the other just to wash dishes! and cooking anything is like an obstacle course! LOL!



Hey All… So how do you paper train a Pug? Who has the secrets? When I got back to teaching in September Bentley will be on his own for awhile. I wish I could come home several times a day to let him out, but my job doesn’t really allow me to do that.



Hi Jessica,
We trained Brandy with the Puppy Training pads since we do not have a fenced yard and we both work.  We put the pads in several rooms and had to keep a close eye on her. When she gave the signs she was ready to do her business we would put her on the pad and give her big praise and treats when she was finished. After several months she chose which places she liked best and that is where we put the pads now. Very rarely she will miss the pad but about 99% of the time she is right in the middle.



    Thanks. I guess I need to invest in the puppy pads. I went to PetCo yesterday the Manager said not to use the pads because they are expensive. But I would do anything to help house train him. Can I ask you what puppy pads you use. How did you train your pug to use the pad when you saw the signs and took him to it?  I tried using the spray stuff on newspaper he doesn’t go for that. He is really good at using the bathroom outside right after naps. If I don’t take him out right after he wakes up he will find a spot on the carpet. Not that the carpet in my house right now matters because we baught an old never updated home so we are ripping it all out.



The pads have a scent added so it sorta attracts them. When we noticed Brandy was about to go pee we would make the sound AH AH pretty load then genlty put her on the pad and stay till she was finished. She made the connection really fast that going on the pad would equal treats.  She would even squat on the pad and do nothing and wait for the treat. It helped at first to put her in the laundry room when we were not home. We put her kennel in there and the pads and she would use them even when we were not home.



Jessica, ran out of space.
We use Simple Solutions from Petsmart, the 100ct economy box, equals about 33 cents a pad.  Brandy will not do both on one pad so we always put 2 down. I am not sure how male dogs would react to the pads, but I had a co-worker who trained her male and he did fine. Always give them really smelly treats as the reward.  We still reward Brandy and she is 15 months old.



Linda, LOL that Brandy squats even when she doesn’t do anything, waiting for a treat.  Aren’t puggies the smartest and funniest?



Pads are fine for male puppies because they won’t start lifting their legs until way after they are trained, usually.

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