Owned by Pugs

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Island Adventure - Dog Park


When we arrived at the dog park, the pugs had the park all to themselves. That didn't bother them, though. They spent some time getting to know all the friends that visited the dog park before them by smelling every inch of the park.



Benjamin, Henry and Luna

The pugs were also very intrigued by the water bowl at the park. It was so big that at first they weren't sure if it was a water bowl or a swimming pool.

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Ok , boys you try it out first, and tell me what the water tastes like…
HeeHee… you are such cuties.. xoxo



They really must have been working hard smelling the whole place!  They worked up a thirst!  Looks like a nice park!



What a great park! I love how there is a fire hydrant in there. And I love the shaded area for the adults and the water bowl/pool rocks. smile  But the best is Luna’s tongue in the last pic.

Pug hugs to all from Bella & me.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Boy, oh boy, what an adventure for these three sweeties, and yes the water bowl does look like a pool.

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Reminds me of “Red Solo Cup, I fill you up, let’s have a party.”  ” - (a country western song that gets stuck in my brain occasionally, but seems fitting here - ‘let’s have a party’).

Gina, didn’t notice Luna’s tongue the first time, but I think she must insist that her harness exactly match the color of her tongue - or the other way around.



what a nice park I also thought the water bowl was a pool



Luna is saying No way will I drink out of that bowl!
Huckle——-I agree with you about the Toby Keith song, Red Solo Cup. Once you hear it it sticks.



What an adventure!  You guys have the coolest pup places, we’re officially jealous!

Love Looney’s tongue…allll that water, for me!?!?

Love you gang!  You must have had a great nap after that trip!

Hellen Norton


Guys this is a great place for Pugs to go…..even a pool for drinking!!
You all seemed to enjoy it a lot…including Mom!



That is so cool! I wish I lived near a dog park so that I could take my dogs!

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